The concept of social media was to build a platform to bridge the communication gap between people and make the whole communication process more effective. However, it soon turned into everything except the platform to bridge the communication gap. In today’s life, social media has become the reason for the communication gap among generation and even the same generations. Most of us have experienced family gatherings where everyone is on phone and most of us are tired of teaching the elder generation about the latest updates on various social media networking apps. This has raised serious concerns about how much time people are spending on their screens and what kind of content are most of the users consuming. Companies are running on the core aim of how to predict social media trends, how to escape social media networking addiction and how to ensure that the user is only spending a limited and healthy amount of time online.
According to stats, on average, a user spends 2 hours and 22 minutes on various social media sites every day. This time has increased over the years and is still growing at a very high pace, which is the reason companies and brands are now raising awareness about limiting the screen time. There are multiple lock and screen time tracking apps that help the user limit the screen time by locking the apps for a specific time period. According to recent research by Google, around 78% of the users are happy with limiting their social media exposure after using these lock screen apps.
When it comes to exposure obviously, the younger generation is more aware of the hazards of technology and this is the reason they are trying to limit their screen time. Stats explain that 28% of users under the 16-24 years are now using social wellbeing and lock apps to limit their exposure, however, only 25% of the users that fall in the 25-34 years use apps to limit their screen time. Surprisingly, these global stats only reduce as they move up the age limit which clearly depicts that the elder generation is least bothered by the idea of limiting the screen time.
Globally it has been seen that the age limit, generation, gender as well as the ethnicity matters when it comes to spending time on social media. It has also been observed that the ethnicity of the individual plays an important role in their time spent online. The report also states that most of the users and most frequent social media users belong to the Asian heritage or from the Latin American background, moreover, among these regions Colombia, Argentina, and the Philippines are still the most frequent social media users.
Since most of the users are shifting to online platforms, brands are automatically coming to these social media networks for the marketing, however, just like a dark web that is not publicly accessible there is a dark social where people don’t post their information publicly instead they use private and direct mediums which includes SMS, email, DM and other apps. Stats say that brands are now using these means to reach out to their consumers. Nearly 37% of brands are using email marketing whereas, 63% are relying on the DM, 54% post on social media, 51% rely on word of mouth and 48% depends on SMS marketing for marketing their brand.

Use of social media has now lost its true meaning, more people now rely on social media for news, entertainment, and updates as compared to people who use these apps for communication purpose. 40% audience is on social media because they want to see the news, only 39% use these apps for communication purpose, whereas, 38% of users only use these platforms for entertainment.
When it comes to consuming the content, a larger audience is shifting to the video viewers and virtual spaces. People like to second, their time watching short, entertaining yet informative videos. Stats support this by explaining that 60% of users outside chine has watched at least one video during last month, larger audience and producer of video-based content is generation Z and this is the reason it is now vital to address how this generation perceives the brand.
Source: Globalwebindex.
Read next: What Happens within a Minute Over the Online World? Domo’s Annual Infographic Shows Fascinating Findings
According to stats, on average, a user spends 2 hours and 22 minutes on various social media sites every day. This time has increased over the years and is still growing at a very high pace, which is the reason companies and brands are now raising awareness about limiting the screen time. There are multiple lock and screen time tracking apps that help the user limit the screen time by locking the apps for a specific time period. According to recent research by Google, around 78% of the users are happy with limiting their social media exposure after using these lock screen apps.
When it comes to exposure obviously, the younger generation is more aware of the hazards of technology and this is the reason they are trying to limit their screen time. Stats explain that 28% of users under the 16-24 years are now using social wellbeing and lock apps to limit their exposure, however, only 25% of the users that fall in the 25-34 years use apps to limit their screen time. Surprisingly, these global stats only reduce as they move up the age limit which clearly depicts that the elder generation is least bothered by the idea of limiting the screen time.
Globally it has been seen that the age limit, generation, gender as well as the ethnicity matters when it comes to spending time on social media. It has also been observed that the ethnicity of the individual plays an important role in their time spent online. The report also states that most of the users and most frequent social media users belong to the Asian heritage or from the Latin American background, moreover, among these regions Colombia, Argentina, and the Philippines are still the most frequent social media users.
Since most of the users are shifting to online platforms, brands are automatically coming to these social media networks for the marketing, however, just like a dark web that is not publicly accessible there is a dark social where people don’t post their information publicly instead they use private and direct mediums which includes SMS, email, DM and other apps. Stats say that brands are now using these means to reach out to their consumers. Nearly 37% of brands are using email marketing whereas, 63% are relying on the DM, 54% post on social media, 51% rely on word of mouth and 48% depends on SMS marketing for marketing their brand.

Use of social media has now lost its true meaning, more people now rely on social media for news, entertainment, and updates as compared to people who use these apps for communication purpose. 40% audience is on social media because they want to see the news, only 39% use these apps for communication purpose, whereas, 38% of users only use these platforms for entertainment.
When it comes to consuming the content, a larger audience is shifting to the video viewers and virtual spaces. People like to second, their time watching short, entertaining yet informative videos. Stats support this by explaining that 60% of users outside chine has watched at least one video during last month, larger audience and producer of video-based content is generation Z and this is the reason it is now vital to address how this generation perceives the brand.
Source: Globalwebindex.
Read next: What Happens within a Minute Over the Online World? Domo’s Annual Infographic Shows Fascinating Findings