YouTube is expected to end targeted advertising on videos for kids

YouTube always tries to make its platform a secure place for all categories of users. This is one of the largest platforms that consist of a huge variety of audience from all over the world. Nowadays it becomes a trend to watch YouTube videos before purchasing any product and even users prefer watching YouTube video to know about the popular trends. But is it safe for kids too? We are also not sure just like you.

How can you decide which video is good for your kids and which is not?

Nowadays, the new generation prefers social media platforms over real interactions. It is a new trend for kids to be on social media platforms. Parents have been trying really hard to make these social platforms a safe place for the kids. YouTube is a platform that contains all type of content for all age groups but how can parents find the right kind of content for their kids? Along with parents, it is the duty of YouTube as well to create the platform in such a way that it puts a positive impact on all age groups.

According to a report from Bloomberg, YouTube is making some plans to end targeted advertising on the videos that kids watch. One of the major strategies to generate revenue from views is by advertisements. This new step to stop targeted advertising on Kid videos may also be a strategy to be out of the radar of the Federal Trade Commission who investigated on the issue of violation of Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) with the help of data collection and failure to protect kids on the platform.

According to a study, videos with kids under the age of 13 involved receive three times more views as compared to other videos.

In July, there was a settlement of FTC with Google which resulted in YouTube’s parent company paying a multimillion-dollar fine.

Since the accusations of Children privacy violations, YouTube has been trying to maintain its reputation by taking multiple steps like closing comments on Videos with children involved and limitation of video recommendations that may put children at risk.

Since the accusations, YouTube has been displaying more family-friendly content in recommendations to prevent any other scandal. The YouTube company also promoted to move all children related videos away from the actual YouTube app and put it in a separate YouTube app specifically for kids but according to the firm, this step can also create chaos on the platform. It is still not clear that which videos would be aimed at kids and the expected plan is already facing a lot of negative feedback from the majority of users.

Bottom Line

YouTube is a platform that always tries to create a secure space for its users. Even though the platform was investigated for Children privacy but it still is creating new strategies to prevent it from happening again because no one wants to be a part of a platform that puts the privacy and safety of children at stake.

Photo: ALAIN JOCARD / AFP / Getty Images

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