Instagram's Link in Bio gaining popularity

Instagram, the third most popular social media platform in the world, has more than 500 million daily active users and a billion people using it on a monthly basis. Having taken that under consideration, Instagram does very little for the websites hyperlinked on to it across the platform in advertisements. Twitter makes five times the SEO impact as that of Instagram, with one third of Instagram's monthly audience numbers. What exactly is the problem?

Instagram, for not having interactive textual posts for a long while, has lagged in backlinking; which was a serious concern for digital marketers and publishers. Now with the link in bio, a study has found around 10-15% of traffic coming from Instagram.

All of the Social media platforms with their business models integrating more and more with the users, have seen a 3x growth into referral volume in the past one year at least; and the exponential growth doesn't seem to be coming to a stop any time soon. The Link in Bio feature is unique to Instagram and has massive potential.

Instagram's referral traffic issue

Instagram is incredibly narrow when it comes to back-linking and user end manipulations leading to traffic off the platform. The two options available anyone are a static link in the Bio section (commonly referred to as "Link in Bio"), and links made available through a paid ad campaign. Accounts with over 10,000 followers have an additional option of adding links to stories so people can swipe up.

All in all, these sources made up for a 4% growth in traffic from Instagram to web content in 2018. The increasing traffic from Link in Bio products is a testimony to the fact that businesses are willing to play it the Instagram-way and that businesses are supplementing on-platform engagement via Insta-stories, IGTV, and in-feed promotion with a single, static tool for all their products.

How Link in bio works

Like instant articles, Link in Bio products generate a landing page that enables the user to designate links to the product you're showcasing on Instagram per post. This resolves some key problems including allowing the users to find more than one product or story per frame, ensuring that links stay alive even after old stories or posts are replaced. Link in Bio also allows the user to link their content to several domains.

Many small business owners will feel relieved if Instagram starts supporting hyperlinks in captions and posts. However, not having this feature is probably a great strategy by Facebook-owned app for community building and improving on-network engagement.

Link-in-bio providers add 10-15% to Instagram referral traffic

Read next: Meet Imma - The Virtual Model Who Is Making Waves On Instagram For Her Super Realistic Personality


  1. This keeps you on their platform plain and simple and is the only reason why Instacrap does this...

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