Have you seen the magnifying icon on the bottom of Twitter app? Yes, that’s where you will find all the trending topics, hot news, and interesting content that will catch your attention in an instant.
Twitter’s Explore tab is designed to include all the latest news from your region that might interest you. For some time, Twitter is trying to improve this feature by introducing new updates, but mostly the focus of the company is to improve Explore listings of late.
If you use Explore a lot, then you might have noticed that the topic listings vanished from the main page and then showing again after a couple of days.
Well, Twitter is working on to bring new changes to the Explore tab, which is why Martin Craster – the Twitter product designer came out on the platform and tweeted asking for user’s feedback for the Explore tab. What they like to see, what improvements are they looking for, etc. and other related queries.
Explore is one way to increase engagement on Twitter due to a huge variety of content listings and showing relevant content to users. Twitter is already working to bring changes to the platform in order to increase engagement, so bringing changes to the Explore tab will be only beneficial for Twitter.
Twitter has a slow user growth; whereas, Facebook is rapidly growing even after so many scandals. This is one reason why Twitter ads are not much famous among advertisers. Twitter is working to increase daily active users (DAU) so that they can monetize the platform. Hence, the focus on increasing engagement.
Twitter’s monetizable DAU is increasing so working on improving the Explore tab might bring good news to Twitter.

Photo: Michael Nagle | Bloomberg | Getty Images
Read next: Twitter is testing several updates, a new system to identify trolls and sending money via Tweet is also in consideration
Twitter’s Explore tab is designed to include all the latest news from your region that might interest you. For some time, Twitter is trying to improve this feature by introducing new updates, but mostly the focus of the company is to improve Explore listings of late.
If you use Explore a lot, then you might have noticed that the topic listings vanished from the main page and then showing again after a couple of days.
Well, Twitter is working on to bring new changes to the Explore tab, which is why Martin Craster – the Twitter product designer came out on the platform and tweeted asking for user’s feedback for the Explore tab. What they like to see, what improvements are they looking for, etc. and other related queries.
Explore is one way to increase engagement on Twitter due to a huge variety of content listings and showing relevant content to users. Twitter is already working to bring changes to the platform in order to increase engagement, so bringing changes to the Explore tab will be only beneficial for Twitter.
Twitter has a slow user growth; whereas, Facebook is rapidly growing even after so many scandals. This is one reason why Twitter ads are not much famous among advertisers. Twitter is working to increase daily active users (DAU) so that they can monetize the platform. Hence, the focus on increasing engagement.
Twitter’s monetizable DAU is increasing so working on improving the Explore tab might bring good news to Twitter.

Photo: Michael Nagle | Bloomberg | Getty Images
Read next: Twitter is testing several updates, a new system to identify trolls and sending money via Tweet is also in consideration