The spread of misinformation on Facebook is pretty much-affecting everyone and along with the time it’s becoming more difficult to differentiate between what’s real or fake on social network, so now Facebook is taking more strict actions on the spread of misinformation as compared to its previous policies regarding political advertising.
Facebook just unveiled its new policies and here’s some insight:
According to the new policy on census interference, Facebook will be banning users and advertisers which will post any misleading information regarding the U.S. census.
This new policy on the census was rolled out on Thursday and it completely prohibits the distribution of misleading information about the 2020 Census, even from politicians.
This new census policy was rolled out by Facebook in a blog post as the tech industry is still facing criticism for the spread of misinformation on the social platform during the 2016 election cycle.
Last week, Google also modified its own policies for census content and according to that the ads sharing inaccurate information regarding the participation in the census will be banned from the platform.
The new modified census policies by Facebook include a variety of new guidelines for advertisers and pretty much take a harder stance against the spread of misinformation on the platform.
From the next month onwards, these new standards by Facebook will be enforced on the platform which will completely stop that misrepresented content on the participation in the census 2020.
According to Facebook, inaccurate information posted on Facebook that doesn’t violate its policy will still be reviewed for fact-checking before going live and the new ad policy of Facebook bans the ads that advise people to not participate in the census at all.
For the census related ads, Facebook will be aiming to provide more transparent requirements to advertisers so that they can run ads with the more authorized process as compared to the past.
The census related ads will be saved in the Public Ad Library of Facebook for at least seven years and maybe later on removed.
The Facebook’s CEO completely refused to fact-check or remove ads with false claims from its platform if they’re posted by the politicians.
According to the CEO of Facebook, the content posted by politicians shouldn’t be censored by private companies and the new Census 2020 policy will completely ban the posting of misinformed content from the platform even if posted by a politician whereas Twitter completely bans the posting of political ads on the platform altogether.
Google also took a center path for the Census 2020 and it goes with voter interference to decide whether to post such content on the platform or not.
The new standards posted by Facebook completely prohibit the posting of misrepresented census claims about some bogus law enforcement risks.
Facebook is attempting to make amends with its past Census 2016 issues by this new Census 2020 policy but will it succeed?

Photo: Facebook
Read next: Just a friendly reminder - You are still being tracked by Facebook even with the location turned off
Facebook just unveiled its new policies and here’s some insight:
According to the new policy on census interference, Facebook will be banning users and advertisers which will post any misleading information regarding the U.S. census.
This new policy on the census was rolled out on Thursday and it completely prohibits the distribution of misleading information about the 2020 Census, even from politicians.
This new census policy was rolled out by Facebook in a blog post as the tech industry is still facing criticism for the spread of misinformation on the social platform during the 2016 election cycle.
Last week, Google also modified its own policies for census content and according to that the ads sharing inaccurate information regarding the participation in the census will be banned from the platform.
The new modified census policies by Facebook include a variety of new guidelines for advertisers and pretty much take a harder stance against the spread of misinformation on the platform.
From the next month onwards, these new standards by Facebook will be enforced on the platform which will completely stop that misrepresented content on the participation in the census 2020.
According to Facebook, inaccurate information posted on Facebook that doesn’t violate its policy will still be reviewed for fact-checking before going live and the new ad policy of Facebook bans the ads that advise people to not participate in the census at all.
For the census related ads, Facebook will be aiming to provide more transparent requirements to advertisers so that they can run ads with the more authorized process as compared to the past.
The census related ads will be saved in the Public Ad Library of Facebook for at least seven years and maybe later on removed.
The Facebook’s CEO completely refused to fact-check or remove ads with false claims from its platform if they’re posted by the politicians.
According to the CEO of Facebook, the content posted by politicians shouldn’t be censored by private companies and the new Census 2020 policy will completely ban the posting of misinformed content from the platform even if posted by a politician whereas Twitter completely bans the posting of political ads on the platform altogether.
Google also took a center path for the Census 2020 and it goes with voter interference to decide whether to post such content on the platform or not.
The new standards posted by Facebook completely prohibit the posting of misrepresented census claims about some bogus law enforcement risks.
Facebook is attempting to make amends with its past Census 2016 issues by this new Census 2020 policy but will it succeed?

Photo: Facebook
Read next: Just a friendly reminder - You are still being tracked by Facebook even with the location turned off