Adobe Photoshop Made Editor’s Life Easier: A New AI-Powered Tool Introduced in the Software

If you are continuously working on Photoshop then you must know how difficult it is to isolate objects in it. Performing this job is easier when you are dealing with simple pictures, however, with complex photos, it becomes very hard to isolate objects. It takes a lot of time to refine the selection, which means hours spent on one project.

Adobe Photoshop has come up with a new AI-powered tool that is basically an “Object Selection Tool” to isolate objects in seconds.

You can select this tool from the Magic Wand group in the toolbar. If you wish to isolate only a single object then you can click on it; however, if you want to isolate multiple objects then you can drag rectangular or lasso marquee on them.

Even though this AI-powered tool is the best thing for selecting parts of an image, but you might need to spend a little more time when you are making small tweaks.

Investing your time in a picture to make it look perfect can be worthy of it; however, for professional graphic designers, it can become a headache. For instance, a photographer might have 100 photos of a wedding that he needs to edit. Editing of this much photos can take a lot of time that can tire photographer to a great extent.

To get rid of such hard work, an AI-powered selection tool is the best addition that Adobe Photoshop has come up with. A similar feature was introduced by Photoshop Elements 2020 as well; however, their one-click feature is not worth it as the Adobe’s selection tool.

In short words, the photo editors can have a great time editing photos without wasting their time on selecting objects. Be creative and leave the rest to the software; enjoy photoshopping!

Read next: Google Photos Now Offers Manual Document Cropping
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