Google Photos Now Offers Manual Document Cropping

Whenever you upload some kind of a document to Google Photos, chances are that you would have wanted to crop this document. This is because of the fact that document cropping is the sort of thing that allows you to make anyone who would view the document focus on whichever aspect of the document is truly important rather than getting distracted by lines and paragraphs that have nothing to do with the actual important topic that you may be trying to address and shed light on.

Sometimes documents get uploaded crookedly, something that happens quite often when you are scanning something in order to get a graphical representation of it. Up until this point the only cropping feature available for documents was an automatic cropping option that the app itself offered. While automatic cropping sounds like the sort of thing that would make your work a lot more easier for you than it would have been otherwise, this feature is not exactly the best and a lot of users complained that they were not getting the kind of results that they were actually looking for.

It seems like Google has heard these complaints and is finally going to do something about it. Now instead of getting your documents automatically cropped, you would be able to manually crop them. This will give you a great deal more control over how you end up cropping your pictures, and what’s more is that you would have the opportunity to go further an focus on the content that you actually deem important.

It is important for photo editing apps to give users some kind of control over the content that they are uploading. Automatic features are useful but they need to be optimized before they are released to the general public, and a lot of users feel like manual features tend to work better.

Hat Tip: AndroidPolice.

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