Communicating with Group Board Collaborators is now easy with Pinterest’s new update

Pinterest is a content discovery platform that is being leveraged by around 300 million pinners to get ideas for new trending brands of a variety of products. Most of the people spend their time on Pinterest talking to Pinners and to communicate with creative people on the platform only one way is provided by Pinterest and this is the contact use of Group Boards in order to collaborate with teams and clients.

Pinterest is a platform where the Group Boards contain two categories, one is a small group of collaborators of five or fewer people whereas 77 percent of Group Boards created have only two people included in for conversations. So a new tool is soon to be launched by Pinterest to help its users collaborate and communicate with professionals in a new way.

Pinterest just introduced a new way for its users to organize groups and to react to the boards as well and we love it. Now connecting with Group Board collaborators is easy according to the new development by Pinterest.

From this week onwards, the social network will be providing its users a feature to react to a pin in Group Board. Although Pinterest already provided a feature of ‘heart’ to pin but this new range of reactions can make the feelings a bit more clear to users. A new variety of reactions can enable users to provide quick feedback of how they feel about specific Pins and show it to others in the group as well.

The new reactions include a pair of clapping hands and thumbs down option too. These new reactions will appear inside a new panel similar to the feature Facebook is offering to its users when they click or tap on heart button alongside a pin. This new variety of emotions is a step by Pinterest towards making it more easy for users to express their feelings without saying a word at all.

According to a press release, Pinterest will also launch a new option to organize features which give the user access to easily sort ‘Most Reactions’ and ‘Most Comments’ to help users find new popular and unpopular ideas quickly. The new sort feature is aimed to help users Organize Pins by prioritizing reactions and comments to help proceed forward with projects. Pinterest is also expected to launch a tool that would reveal the person behind the idea of Pin and the date it was saved as well.

"Soon you’ll also be able to sort [content] by the Pinner [name] who added the idea, and when it was saved". Pinterest is promising its users to also release a new space for users to connect with contributors directly on the group board. With this feature, it will be easy for members to organize and track the latest ideas all in one place. Now with this feature, users can start a conversation in the activity tab which means that this feature launch will change the way of chat conversations forever.

Pinterest is trying to make the experience of its users worthwhile and it is also expected to continue making more improvements day by day so that everyone easily uses this platform to take ideas from inspiration and turn it into reality.

Read next: With new Lens released by Pinterest, users can now get more quick visual results
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