Merkle Says Google Ad Spending Slowing Down, Microsoft Seeing an Increase

As you probably already know, big tech companies earn money through advertising, which means they sell online ad space to marketers and the like. The fact of the matter is that Google has always been considered a powerhouse in the world of marketing, but according to research agency Merkle the increase in the amount of money being spent on advertising provided by Google has gone down in the past year, something that is quite concerning for any corporation in a capitalist market that defines constant growth as the only true marker of success.

In comparison, Microsoft has had a pretty good year when it comes to advertising revenues. The growth rate for the amount of money spent on Microsoft desktop ads has been quite high over the course of the past year which means that Microsoft is still very much in the running as one of the top tech companies of the world even though it has lagged behind in terms of trying to capture a piece of the mobile market after the relative failure of Windows OS as far as smartphones as concerned.

Part of the reason why Microsoft has seen quite a good year is because of the fact that they struck a deal with Verizon that involved representing Verizon’s advertising for a specific period of time. It’s important to note that Verizon is the owner of Yahoo, so in a way Yahoo is managing to beat out Google after all these years even though that is not quite what is happening here.

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