Physical Keyboard Cases For iPhones May Soon Be Launching As The Next Best Tech Accessory

There was a time when owning a Blackberry was a rage in the world of tech.

Today, it’s all about newer smartphones but if you happen to miss the classic keyboard of that era, we’ve got some great news for you, courtesy of UK’s Clicks company.

For those who might not be aware, this British firm has been making quite a stir ever since speculations broke out about how it was keen on relaunching physical keyboard cases for Apple’s iPhone devices.

The launch and grand unveiling are all set to take center stage as early as 2024 in the city of Las Vegas. This case comes with a complete physical keyboard inside and the user can simply make the most of it by attaching the device directly to the iPhone if you wish to gain a tactile sensation, similar to how you type on regular PC or laptop keyboards.

We are kind of reminded of the good old Typo Keyboard from Ryan Seacrest that was rolled out ten years back. Moreover, the firm’s creator keyboard happens to be sitting toward the case’s bottom and does not disguise any area of that screen on the front or the back, even the edges are clear.

However, it goes on to extend the whole length of the phone and gives the user a complete view of what’s on display on the screen, whenever they are busy typing tasks. For connectivity, it attaches directly to the device via a lightning or the USB-C port. The former and latter would depend on the model and design of the iPhone you have.

At the same time, it would pave the way to charge the device as per usual routine.

The connection taking place here is not related to a regular Bluetooth. However, this also means that if it does not happen to be powered through the battery, you would be required to charge it. For use during the night, it can be switched via the backlight for use during night or day hours.

You may even use all sorts of shortcuts on the keyboard if you wish to navigate such devices without making use of touchscreens. For scrolling down below, you can press this space bar.

But while all that glitters might seem like gold, it’s not. Actually, it’s far from that. The keys are so tiny and you might have trouble engaging in typing tasks, especially those having bigger hands and longer fingers than the average human being.

The company in charge of this launch entails content creators who go by the names Michael Fisher and Kevin Michaluk. They are the founders and call their pairing the dream team for being leading veterans in the world of tech to come up with this revolutionary idea that combines classic ideas with modern tech.

There seems to be a lot riding on this very decision and they continue to talk about how the whole idea is to give users the wonderful keyboard experience through such a layout. And those all set to receive benefits would be iPhone users as no such news about Android devices was ever mentioned.

If you are really as excited as some people who adore having that tactile touch for smartphones, you can even get first in line to grab your product as the company’s website is taking orders right now. It’s for $139 but you’ll have to wait until the start of next month as that’s when the products are all set to be shipped.

Physical Keyboard Cases For iPhones May Soon Be Launching As The Next Best Tech Accessory
Image: Clicks Tech

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