Good News For Creators On X As Musk Promises Greater Monetary Rewards For 2024

It looks like 2024 is going to be the year when X finally gives online creators something they have been longing for. And by that, we mean better chances to attain financial gains.

Elon Musk just recently confirmed how the X app is all set to pay its creators more if they choose to use the X app for publishing. And we do feel that the recent incident involving world-famous YouTuber Mr. Beast might have something to do with it.

For those who might not be aware, Mr. Beast was asked by a fan and then Musk why he didn’t post content on X. The response that the world’s most successful YouTuber gave was linked to how X failed to give creators any suitable financial gain for the amount of effort and resources added to their videos.

The post about Musk’s bigger monetary rewards was done on Tuesday and while he failed to acknowledge Mr. Beast, the message was indirectly hidden in his thoughts, fans believe. Clearly, something must have provoked him to do it, experts claim.

Musk responded to one graphic designer’s request on why the billionaire’s app was not doing enough to give creators monetary rewards for posting. Therefore, Musk jumped in to confirm how 2024 was going to be the year of change and significant rewards were coming up.

For those who might not be aware, around 80k creators have been getting paid via the app’s ad-revenue share initiative since the launch arose just one year back.

The latest Tweet by Musk came exactly 14 days after his last heated chat with Mr. Beast. The latter has the greatest number of subscribers, 229 million to be exact as rejected by Musk’s offer for putting out posts on X.

It all began when Mr. Beast asked his followers to see a video he just published on his YouTube channel via a post through X. So another chimed in upon how he should use this app for publishing too and Musk couldn’t help but agree.

But after thinking about it, Mr. Beast says it’s just not worth it as his videos cost so much money to produce and to get nothing in return is never fun. “X couldn’t even fund one fraction of it!”- he continued, slamming the app.

However, Mr. Beast made it very clear that he is still open to working on X, provided their monetization program gets better with time. While no response was given by Musk there and then, we feel it might be coming now with this mega news through his recent X thread.

For a while now, the world’s richest person has been busy trying to attract the biggest talent from the world of influencers. And we’ve seen him do that for more than a year. Then in 2022, we saw Musk vow to give creators a bigger compensation for their hard work, even adding how it would be more than what YouTube was currently providing. Even then, Mr. Beast was so skeptical in terms of how much truth his words contained.

Obviously, as pointed out by the YouTuber, giving a share that was greater than what online video streaming giant YouTube provides would be a huge deal and quite impossible. After all, some creators were getting a whopping $20 per 1000 views.

So as you can tell, he did put up a challenge, adding how he would be more than shocked if you could enable that or ‘crack the code’ of success. And so far, it is yet to happen.

But he’s not the only superstar to doubt Musk’s claims for X’s big plans. So many others have over time expressed doubt over whether or not the X app has what it takes to take on arch-rivals as massive and successful as YouTube in terms of earnings.

Another leading YouTuber who goes by the name Logan Paul confirmed through his famous podcast how X did not pay creators what they deserved and it was just a sad affair.

To be more direct, he even spoke about how he had just been paid $1600 for a mere partnership initiative in that same month. And that’s even though he managed to attain hundreds of millions of views on his content online.

Good News For Creators On X As Musk Promises Greater Monetary Rewards For 2024
Photo: Digital Information World - AIgen/HumanEdited

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