AI Will Give Rise To The Fastest Tech Revolution In Human History And The World May Not Be Prepared, Sam Altman Fears

The world of AI is growing at the speed of light and it wouldn’t be wrong to mention that it’s become an integral part of most of our lives today.

And it’s not just us who might feel this. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has similarly put forward his thoughts on this front. This includes how he fears AI will revolutionize the world of tech at a pace that has never been seen in human history.

He also raised concerns about how it might arise so quickly that most of us will fail to stay prepared on what to expect next, neither would humans be able to adapt to the change so quickly.

Sam Altman’s words came after his appearance on a podcast hosted by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates that was released yesterday. He said the changes might force us to make changes that most of us were never willing to. And there might not be any way out, other than accepting what was on offer at that moment in time.

Altman added how there’s so much uncertainty here and it’s not linked to the fact that we must adapt. In fact, it has more to do with how fast the major tech shift will arise and how a huge number of jobs might become redundant, causing unemployment rates to increase further.

He did agree that the human race was capable of adapting to anything and everything that was thrown in its direction as seen in the past with further changes. Now, it’s just that the speed might be too much for many of us to handle but no matter what, society would be left with zero option but to consider this, causing the labor market to be hit the greatest.

He added that many have already witnessed how their work keeps getting affected by the realms of AI. So many firms underwent firing sprees in 2023 due to huge job cuts thanks to AI doing things faster, cheaper, and more accurately. So while AI tools are making our lives easier, they’re also reducing headcounts at leading firms which again is not good news.

We’ve witnessed Altman speak about other concerns he has had regarding AI in the recent past as well. He confirmed in a statement made in 2023 how he’s lost his sleep just worrying about how rolling out ChatGPT may have never been a good idea, seeing how it might lead to suffering and devastation as people become jobless.

He also reiterated how perhaps not enough research about the impacts that AI tools can have on mankind was done to ensure people’s lives did not become more complicated than they already are.

Clearly, the honesty and integrity with which his statements arise in the public eye have really left many applauding the CEO for being so in tune with users and not just worrying about making gains, no matter at what cost it might arise.

Altman acknowledges human adaptability but highlights the unprecedented speed of AI's impact on the job market.
Image: Bill Gates / YT

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