Google-Apple Search Deal Worth $18-$20 Billion in 2023, Bernstein Claims

A new report from TheRegister based on Bernstein estimates claims, Apple reportedly secures a payment of around $18 to $20 billion per year from Google to keep the Alphabet-owned search engine as the default option on iOS devices.

Which is a significant increase (almost double) from the $10 billion that Google paid Apple in 2022. The deal is part of a long-standing agreement between the two tech giants, most likely starting from 2014.

As per analysts, Google’s payments account for around 20% of Apple’s profits, making it a significant source of revenue for the Cupertino-based corporation.

Critics argue that this deal gives Google an unfair advantage over other search engines. Apple-Google agreement also seen as a way for Google to maintain its dominance in the search engine market.
This deal comes at a time when Google is facing increased scrutiny from US regulators over its business practices.

Despite all this drama, Google remains the most popular search engine in the world, with over 90% of the market share.

So, next time you search for "funny cat videos" on your iPhone, just remember, that search bar isn't just helping you find humor – it's also making some serious money for the tech giants.
It's no joke, folks! In a deal as colossal as the iPhone itself, Google is shelling out big bucks to remain Apple's default search engine.  Google is reportedly paying Apple a jaw-dropping $18-20 billion annually, ensuring that when you grab your shiny iPhone, Google's search engine is right at your fingertips. This astonishing payment was disclosed by Bernstein, and first report by TheRegister. It's like a cosmic jackpot win for Apple, adding billions to their coffers.  With Apple's unfathomable profits, this deal feels more like a luxury yacht race than a tech partnership. While the Department of Justice is scrutinizing these mega-deals closely, Google and Apple remain unfazed.  So, next time you search for "funny cat videos" on your iPhone, just remember, that search bar isn't just helping you find humor – it's also making some serious money for the tech giants. The age-old partnership continues, while the antitrust questions keep piling up like the world's biggest stack of pancakes.

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