Twitter CEO Refuses To Accept Decline In App’s Traffic Due To Threads As All Links To Meta’s New App Blocked To Counter Competition

Twitter’s new CEO is failing to acknowledge the great threat that the platform faces thanks to Meta’s launch of the Threads app.

Linda Yaccarino refused to talk about the decline in the Twitter traffic figures and started to downplay it when questioned about the matter. Last week saw Threads blowing up with signups and the figure exceeded 100 million in just two days. How’s that for some shocking news?

But if you think Elon Musk and his team of executives are taking the threat lightly, then think again. New reports have spoken about the company blocking links to the Threads website to help counter the competition taking place. Clearly, it’s a huge rival for the firm and they know that if things keep on going in Meta’s direction, Twitter could really be in serious trouble.

Blocking links to Threads means making it so much more difficult for users to conduct chats on the app or even grab a hold of their profile accounts too.

One of the first to notice a change was Andy Baio who says that he conducted a search by adding the Threads URL and that came back empty without any results or explanation as to what in the world was going on.

This means no tweets could be seen that had links to threads and it was just a sad affair that the company is taking such steps to ward off competition. Additionally, we saw a much more simplified search ensue where tweets were simply sent back if they were affiliated with URLs featuring Threads or any tweets that included usernames from the app. But interestingly, no tweets featuring direct links related to discussions on the Threads app were seen coming back so that was a small relief.

Before this, we saw a few other users complaining about the matter and it’s not quite clear when the app actually put up the block. As you know, Twitter will hardly ever generate a response to queries related to the press. And this is no exception to just that.

Now the question is, should we be surprised at all? Not really! This is not the first time that we’re seeing Elon Musk taking on such measures to ward off serious threats to his apps and block links to any page that he feels serves as competition for the platform.

Right after Substack rolled out a new feature for its discussions called Substack Notes, Musk started to censor links pertaining to just that. He made some posts more than impossible to generate responses to or even retweet. And today, Threads being blocked is just another example of how things might be heading in the same direction.

Before we forget, the battle between Musk and Zuckerberg continues to heat up as we speak. Zuckerberg was challenged by the tech billionaire to a cage match and he agreed. And if that was not enough, Musk is even waging more war by calling the Meta CEO names in public like Zuck is a cuck.

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