Good News For Brands As Data Proves They’re Getting Great Engagement On The Threads App

It’s only been days since we saw Meta’s popular Threads app roll out with a bang.

The entry in the tech world was certainly explosive and we saw signups exceed the million figure, shocking plenty of experts for obvious reasons.

And while it might be a little too early to make some conclusions about how well the app would be doing in the near future, one thing is for sure. Usage insights are a clear measure of what users can expect very soon.

Some notes can be seen in terms of what a user could experience and there were even tracking analysts talking about how engagement and growth of users is spiraling downwards. But wait, it’s just too early to be saying or seeing all of this.

Keeping all the negativity aside, we’ve come up with some great news for brands who plan on launching through the Threads app. New figures are showing promising results related to how brands continue to attain great engagements through the platform and that could really be worthwhile in the future.

For starters, we saw a study that was carried out recently by a company called Website Planet. They mentioned how Threads is really producing likes at a fast pace on each item launched on the app when compared to arch-rival Twitter.

So if you want to put it into better perspective, well, it’s close to being nearly eight times more than the average engagement one attains across tweets.

As a whole, brand profiles are producing some great forms of engagement on the platform. And that really bodes well when it comes down to both growth as well the potential it encases for the future.

While we’re not quite sure if this is linked to Meta producing major plans or not, seeing brands get this form of engagement so early on at the start is definitely a point worth a mention. It just sets the stage for great and promising growth in the future too.
Did we mention how Twitter has a user base that’s close to double that seen on Threads? Hence, you can only imagine that if an app with fewer users is producing such gains from the start then the future is bound to be bigger and brighter for brands. Also, Twitter might not be competition for Threads right now but the opposite certainly holds true for Twitter as it sees Threads as a major threat and should, after the roaring success it attained in no time.

Still, experts also feel that there are just so many factors that need to be considered before a final conclusion can be drawn. But all in all, it’s just quite positive at this moment in time and the number of opportunities continue to arise as we speak.

The app has some leading world leaders subscribing and that in itself is a major deal. But Meta knows that things might still go downhill as the climb is quite tough. For now, we’re all just sitting down, waiting, and watching in absolute patience.

Who knows, Meta can really get it right or Twitter just might be lucky.

Read next: Threads May Have Had A Fiery Start With Million Signups But User Engagement Is Spiraling Downwards
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