TikTok On A Mission To Increase Its Global e-Commerce Operations To Nearly $20 Billion In Merchandise Sales

TikTok is making grand plans to increase its global operations around the world in the department of e-Commerce. And the enthusiastic plans include achieving revenue that’s four times the figure so the total could go up to $20 billion.

Merchandise sales in the Southeastern Asia region are really known to boost progress for the company and that’s exactly why the firm is placing great hopes on it as confirmed to Bloomberg News who has cited several people known to be familiar with this scenario.

The rise is quite huge when you make comparisons to the previous year’s value for gross merchandise which is outlined to be $4.4 billion and that is a classic representation of the total figure of sales via online markets. It seems the firm is putting more bets on the Indonesian market.

For now, the app is yet to generate responses to comments for requests on the matter by news outlets. But what we do know is that the app’s platform for e-commerce enables users to buy products via links through live broadcasts.

The sudden development arises at a time when the platform’s parent firm continues to get scrutinized by regulators due to concerns that nations like China could be utilizing the data of users for their own benefit.

For now, the firm is expanding sales across other regions such as Europe as well as America.

The news comes at a time when the platform is all set to get into a collaboration with an app that is based in LA called TalkShopLive. The idea is to go forward with the launch in North America by ensuring all of the operations get outsourced.

Read next: TikTok Users Can Now Make More Money On The App By Adding Content Behind Paywalls
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