Meta Expands Its Verified Subscription Program To India So Users Can Attain Blue Tick For Facebook And Instagram

Meta has been busy rolling out its verified subscription initiative for quite some time now.

They’ve included nations like Australia and New Zealand and then we saw it going to North America and even the United Kingdom, just a month afterward. But now, the tech giant is providing users in places like India the chance to purchase blue ticks to attain a widespread presence on its popular apps.

As revealed through such a sequence, the verification project by Meta needs its users to put out picture IDs to showcase their true identity and then put out payments comprising $12 each month or $15 on the app to attain that blue tick on the platform.

But the catch here is that users are required to attain subscriptions for every one of Meta’s apps. So for example, if you get the verification for Instagram then it won’t work for Facebook as you can’t attain a tick in both at the same time through one verification.

Therefore, if you really wish to pump up your presence on the Meta app then you’ll be starting at nearly $24 each month at a minimum. And for something like verification, that’s quite a huge amount.

The question is if this is really worth it? Some might think so but others don’t.

You can attain a few offerings when you pay monthly and that entails protection of your account from issues like impersonation while another dedicated account would be provided for the purpose of support from Meta.

So many exclusive stickers for the app’s stories and reels would also be up for grabs, not to mention 100 stars for creators on the platform.

This type of dedicated account may be extremely important for those individuals who continue to have problems with their respective accounts. Meanwhile, there were reports about individuals signing for just 30 days to attain this particular advantage and that would ensure they were solving the major issue and then they got lazy and allowed it to lapse.

Quite a few aspects are worth consideration here. One might be linked to more value, other than the usual blue ticks which continue to decline in value as plenty of paid programs fall in terms of relevance.

Meanwhile, what users are not going to attain through Meta Verified is better to reach for their content, despite it being something that the firm offered at the start of its launch.

Now, the app is providing more subscribers on the Twitter Blue platform the same through its main For You newsfeed. Once the experiment is over, the tech giant will be getting rid of the reach component for this program as it can eat up its own advertisements or negatively affect users.

Meta is yet to put into perspective why it removed the feature to start with. But this new expansion seems to display its popularity.

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