Instagram Begins Testing New Feature That Allows Users To Share Notes With Close Friends

Instagram always seems to be on the lookout for testing all sorts of different and unique features that it feels could best supplement the app. After all, users adore new functionalities but we’re not quite sure about this next one.

Leading tech and social media expert Matt Navarra tweeted one of the company’s newest beta tests has to do with its Notes feature (originally from Ahmed Ghanem). For now, it’s only being tested with the company’s selected users and if things do go according to plan, we just might see a similar version being rolled out for the masses.

The feature is a very exclusive one and that means the notes will only be shared with close friends through a list. But that will also include an option to send the notes to only those followers that you are currently following back.

Users are definitely looking at the concept as something unique and innovative while some feel it’s going to be very similar to Twitter’s feed.

Some tech analysts feel it is another new great way to reach out to those that mean the most and also users who wish to make their presence more visible than just another user’s stories.

Read next: Meta Is Incorporating New Ways For Users To Remix Their Content Into Reels On Facebook And Instagram
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