LinkedIn is about to launch the popular podcast hub based on the job opportunities and career-oriented information on its platform

The employment-oriented platform, LinkedIn launches a podcast system for its users to help create awareness and conversationally initiate the intellectual talk.

As you may know that this online service aims to provide professional development to the people and job seekers to post their resumes and get employment opportunities if there is a vacancy available in a firm. Interestingly, there are more than 810 million users of LinkedIn around the globe seeking vacant jobs positions. So keeping the users' benefit in mind, they have rolled out a system of online podcasts related to a wide variety of topics, for instance, technology-based, marketing blogs,mental stability, hiring criteria of employers in a competent firm, workplace ethics, and management and many more.

The possible reason for the launch of podcast hub could be the rise of statistics showing the interest of U.S. citizens listening to podcasts now and then. According to Edison research, in 2021, 80 million Americans prefer podcasts on a weekly basis, whereas 116 million listen to podcasts monthly. This shows the maximum share of audiences tuning on podcasts. So LinkedIn is more focused on the podcast system that will include LinkedIn internal members and external staff. Moreover, there are almost 8 podcasts available on LinkedIn as for now, they are expected to expand later on. I’ll mention a few for your reference. It’s the Anxious Achiever recorded by Morra Aarons Mele, The Next Big Idea, hosted by Rufus Griscom, and so forth. To listen to the desired podcasts you have to select the channel and subscribe to it. Once you become a follower, all news and updates will be provided to you daily in the newsletter. You can also listen to these established shows on Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts,or any other app you prefer listening to.

The question is, how can you promote your podcast on LinkedIn? Generally, with every other piece of marketing, you have to add value by educating or by entertaining as done by the old broadcasters Facebook and Twitter, but the priority of LinkedIn is engagement as they want people to stay on their website and engage with the content. LinkedIn’s audience is quite professional. Remember, LinkedIn isn't great for audios. So you can promote your podcasts by using captivate and other podcast hosts that will put together videos for you very often.This update is really helpful for the job-seekers, potentially, guarantee deep insight into upcoming updates

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