How Gen X have quickly adapted to the evolving world of technology

While Gen-Z is pretty smart when it comes to the current tech devices and application considering most of them literally grew up with these gadgets in their hands, Gen X happens to be a little different.

This is because Gen X while had the basic means of computer, smartphones and tablets came literally after most of them crossed their teenage, and stepped into adult life. Hence, their grip on the technology was a little slower, but that doesn’t mean they are far behind.

The report published by Modern Mobile Gamer 2021: Gen X Edition showed that Gen X was just as active in using their mobile devices as the generation that came after them.

To start off, it was concluded that Gen X was seen to be active 66 percent more active on their smart phones than they were last year. So what activities did they do on it.

Well, to start off what majority of we do. 70 percent of Gen X said that played games on their phones to kill time, or take a break in between work and relieve stress. Moreover with the pandemic occurring the demand in online shopping severely increased.

Though Gen Z loves to shop, the report showed that Gen X was not far behind. Generation X was involved in a lot of online shopping this year, with 66 percent saying that they will be indulging in more this coming year.

While people loved to shop in malls pre pandemic, the convenience of online shopping has definitely made people adopt it a lot more than they used to before.

Apart from this, Gen X showed more interest in ads and campaigned towards funny, rewarded and succinct ads compared to other generations. 44 percent of the Gen X participated in reward ads and 28 percent claimed to take part in one at least once or twice a week. The rewarded ads when won saw a purchase of mostly home based goods and beauty goods.

While Gen X may have had a hand on tech devices later than the generation after them, but they have quickly adapted to the changing and evolving world. While some of them may still have difficulty in picking some aspects of technology, they definitely are learning at a great pace.


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