Twitter news receive mixed results on its news provision and consumption outcomes

Twitter has been focusing on news and political content really strongly now, and is trying to make its platform a more news oriented place. It is trying to keep its people updated about the happenings around the world and political leaders and other famous personalities also update the world about their doings through this app.

However, its focus on news is having two point of views among the public. While some believe it is a great place to be updated about the global events, a good percentage also finds the content misinformed.

Pew Research Center, on this conducted a research among 2,548 adult Twitter users in the United States.

The research showed that 69 percent of the people said that they did receive news on the platform, however, only 7 percent greatly trust the accuracy of news found on Twitter, while 60 percent of news consumers have 'some' level of trust in the accuracy of news on Twitter.

However, while news is being received, how much are people benefitting from it. The statics showed that 57 percent of the surveyed people (who get news on Twitter) said that the platform updated and increased their understanding on the current events better, while 37 percent stated that the news on the platform made them more politically engaged.

The users with the opposite belief stood at 33 percent in the survey who thought that there was a lot of misinformed content circulating around in the app and 53 percent found misleading content a big problem.

While misunderstanding was an issue in itself, Trust on Twitter in terms of news was a whole another story. Only 7 percent of people who looked up for news on Twitter had a blind trust towards the information it provided while two third of the users had some level of trust too.

Though misinformation and trust factors are present on the app, the stats do show that news consumption has increased by 11 percent since Twitter has been more focused towards news. The user consumption for news on Twitter went up from 59 to 70 percent this year.

Many while like news on Twitter some feel overwhelmed with the enormity of the news it provides.

Some other factors were concluded as well, which you can read on Pews report.

However, if Twitter improves its news source and authenticity of it, it won’t be long before it becomes successful in this fort as well.

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