Netflix is now blocking numerous residential IP addresses so that it can limit people from areas sidestepping through VPNs and other routing software

Netflix is the 2nd most used video streaming platform in America and it is continuing to expand its pace during the last few years but there is a big hurdle in its growth. According to the data, there are almost 208 million paying subscribers during the first quarter of 2021, and 41% of Netflix users are using this platform without paying charges because of account and password sharing practices. The platform is now getting complaints from its genuine subscribers who are not using any type of VPN (Virtual private network) or proxy sites; they are still unable to view some of the content material.

The company started its exertions to ban various VPN suppliers during the year 2014 after getting huge criticisms from the side of legitimate subscribers. The VPN service suppliers and other users found some alternative ways to get access. The company collaborated with an online payment service “PayPal” by splitting payment processing amenities linked with several VPN suppliers. This has been going on for years now. There is one circumvent that a few VPNs adopted is the usage of domestic addresses to direct traffic over. However, the system of the company considers these types of addresses as genuine subscribers so those people who are not from America can easily circumvent area locks. This was not a confidential method and it worked for some time.

After getting multiple complaints from the users the system found out the reason why the IP address is linked to VPN or other routing software. The company has now decided to block domestic IP addresses linked with certain VPN suppliers. As per TF report, A VPN service provider named WeVPN has seen initially that the company is blocking its IP address. The main reason was that there are various legitimate subscribers who are finding it very hard to get some of the content material and who are not even using VPNs or other routing software. Whereas, the rest of the users are constrained from getting access and notified to deactivate their VPN.

The company has the absolute right to halt the usage of VPN and other proxies in its service. However, blocking the entire chunks of IPs is not a good strategy. The company has the knowledge of this issue but still, it has not accepted it publicly. The customer service has only given the solution to ask the question from internet service providers that why the IP address is linked with the VPN or routing software.

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