Medium Makes Significant Changes To Its Partner Program For Long Term Gains

Medium faced several editorial changes and even got up with many employees problems that caused some to be fired. Since its initial startup in 2012, and acquisition in 2017 of the Partner Program, it has paid around 28 million dollars to its users across the board. With over two hundred thousand users on its platform, it is a decorated platform for writers, however, there are certain aspects to it that are not looked favorably upon which has resulted in a decline in their quality. With a $5 per month and $50 per year program, it often tends to be a workable deal. This was working solely on writing and how the time spent or the work read divided the 90% of the funds that are allocated for writers.

However, just recently Medium called upon that they would be introducing a referral program for users to earn money and generate additional revenue. As some might view this to be a program that allows the writer with monetary incentives, it also takes a lot away from the platform. The point of being an editorial and publication body might be removed by the injection of referral money and the amazing pieces of literature or research might get saturated with pretentious stuff for the sake of referral money.

Previously, the writers were paid for the conversion of the user to a subscriber, based on the time they spent over the writer’s wall. With this new update, the payment of 50% of the subscription fee will be deposited to the writer if the user subscribes by the personalized link of each writer. The writer could net $24 of the annual subscription and $2 of the monthly subscription providing a greater incentive and monetary value to the users for their money.

However, the Medium partner program is now more difficult for writers to get a grip on as Medium has implemented a minimum hundred followers limit supplemented by only certain geographic regions as well as a publication post limit. Not only that, they have also introduced a minimum payment limit of $10, and any money under this amount will be carried through to the next month.

The competition of Medium is hot and with the likes of Substack and Ghost with their revenue generation system are more competitive than ever. Now, with Quora launching their own profile as Quora plus, the competition is bound to increase and Medium would have to adopt and incentivize more to retain the workers.
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