Google is now taking a stand against all OEMs which kill off background applications as per their liking without sticking to the rules set by the tech giant

Google’s Android version is an operating software that runs on a variety of devices, and is one of the famous OS that is used in the world. One thing that is commonly found on all Android OS is some applications that are running in the background at all times. While some apps like health and fitness need to work despite not being opened for example to count your daily steps, there are a large majority of applications which do not need to run all the time and sometimes these running background apps can be malware as well.

Hence, putting all these under considerations, Android gives space to developers with the free hand of putting some apps to sleep and waking them up again as per their requirements, and this facility also goes out to all the OEMS which basically are all mobile companies operating on Google Android.

However, Google also asks all such OEMS to be clear to both Google and the users about which applications they are killing in the background, but in 2018 after a lot of raised voices by the users Google finally realized that some to most OEMS were taking advantage of this and were using their own app killing policies despite of Google’s already initiated one without the knowledge of the tech giant or users.

This all came out when users started observing similar applications on different phones being run in a different way, for example applications like daily walk calculators on sleep monitoring which worked fine on one phone did not on the other one, because the second one killed of its background functionality.

Hence, Google has now taken big steps to ensure all this comes to a halt and considering how long this had been going on for Google’s involvement in all this matter was expected now. The tech giant has now released a Google Form which contains 10 parts on information ranging from name, contacts to a grid check list which will contain a list of mobile developers to choose from that are mishandling the background application issue. The form will also ask users which application is being affected by a certain mobile developer.

All the mobile developers mentioned by Google on their list are big names in the industry and it is advised to users who fill the form to give genuine feedback related to the topic of conversation that is inform the company about developer feedback and not fill the form about your own complains related it.

We hope this issue resolves really soon and both Google and the mobile developers meet a middle ground.

Photo: Rafael Henrique/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images


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