Social Media Trends Report Highlights, 73 Percent of Facebook and Instagram Ad Spend Goes to Main Feeds

With 2020 having finally wrapped up, and people looking expectantly towards the new year, Socialbakers analyzed certain social media trends across Q4 of the last year, in order to help digital marketers map out the future more accurately.

The report actively looks at social media audiences and their tendencies as far as interaction and online spending are concerned. Specifically, Socialbakers chooses to discuss Facebook and Instagram as their platforms of choice, possibly owing to the high amount of user interaction they feature, along with the accompanied massive communities.

Let's take a good look at advertising first of all, as it does more or less form the baseline as well as a good chunk of the volume of all online earning and spending. 73.7% of all ad related spending was seen across Facebook and Instagram's main feeds, making them the dominant exhibit of advertisement on social media platforms. Instagram stories, however, are building up a steady amount of momentum, and alone account for 10.9% of ad spend. Users looking to advertise on social media would be wise to get an even spread across both feeds and stories in order to maximize monetization attempts.

Moving on from advertisement towards the influencer space, although brands can profit off of this as well, let's talk interaction. Facebook and Instagram already feature a high number of user engagement, but what connects best with the general userbase. Well, as a pair of charts highlights, Facebook's most well-received content (in terms of interaction) takes the form of Live videos, with a median interaction of 39 posts. This far out-trumps the second most engaged-with content on the platform, as Images sit at a median of 14. However impressive these numbers may seem, they can't seem to hold a candle to Instagram's highly active crowd.

Carousel, Instagram's most engaging content, comprise a median of 176 posts, far outclassing Facebook's comparatively dormant userbase. Instagram's least interacted with content, Videos, still outclassed Facebook Live with 90 median post interactions as opposed to the now pithy 39. However, between both platforms, Facebook enjoys a lot of content spread and users looking to establish a following know where to start putting themselves out.

It seems that the usage of #ad in influencer tags on Instagram is falling, seeing a 17.6% drop when compared to that of Q4 2019. Much of that could come from users not reacting well with excessive consumerism, or it could even be related to brands actively choosing their marks more carefully by only banking on influencers with a more reliable image (for example, influencers with over a million followers).
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