Facebook’s automated tools are causing more damage to small advertisers than the promised benefits

Advertising on Facebook has a lot of perks. It allows very specific audience-targeting and various options that give the advertisers a lot of leeways to pull out an ad if it isn’t functioning well and invest the money in the one that is. Facebook has been trying to make its platform very safe for these advertisers too with the help of automated tools based on AI (artificial intelligence) technology to prevent cybercrime over the platform. However, recently, many advertisers and marketers have complained that these automated tools are more like a nuisance for them instead of providing cybersecurity.

These complaints are all about how Facebook’s AI-based tools pick up innocent accounts of ad-managers and block them, thus impacting their workflow and causing them a lot of damage during their ad campaigns.

Chris Raines, a digital marketer who uses his account to run and manage ad campaigns for his clients found out that right after he put up a $3000 per day ad campaign on Facebook for one of his clients, his account froze. He tried various methods with Facebook’s automated systems to regain entry, but they were all in vain. Eventually, he had to ask to use his client’s spouse’s account to manage the ad campaign that was still running.

Now, this guy had a workaround, but not everyone does. Many small advertisers have had to spend several hundred dollars after which they finally got their accounts back. Digital managers and marketers have to manage these ad campaigns and look into the ad spending.

Another digital manager, Harrison Kugler also lost his account for 26 hours while running an ad campaign for a client. $200 was spent on Facebook ads without his management and oversight. This amount could have been huge and the impact on the businesses of these people could have been far worse. Also, for smaller advertisers, even a few extra hundred dollars is sometimes difficult to spend like that.

In November, Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence tools and filters caught some random, innocent holiday ads by some small businesses, and this harmed them a lot in the peak holiday season when their ads would have been able to target a greater audience and bring in potential clients.

Facebook says that most of the Pages and groups have more than one administrator, so if one person gets blocked, the other admin can still run the page. Also, even if a Page has a single admin, Facebook does not completely lock them out. The automated systems simply flag them for spam and freeze them for a while only. Even if the ad account gets blocked, the ad campaigns keep running. To regain entry, the blocked people have to verify their identities, but some people face difficulties in that process too. So, it means that Facebook’s automated tools for account verification are also not 100% efficient.

Facebook also says that our tools are there to help these small businesses connect with potential clients. However, their systems are not perfect, and the company apologizes for all the disruption that has impacted people.

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