Google is working to roll out an advanced feature that calls for notification of completion every time Chrome scans your device to clean it

Adware is a kind of malware that is not visible yet it can stay somewhere within your phones, monitoring your activity on your device, and offering you the advertisements of the products or brands you are looking forward to or chatting with any of your near ones about it. Google has already launched a feature that detects this adware and cleans it up from a device automatically without any update. According to TD, Google is working on upgrading its application, rolling out the new feature of notifying the users about the completion of safety scan.

Google has a Software Reporter Tool that notifies Google of the presence of any malware on your device. This built-in software allows us to scan and safety checks for any malware. It doesn’t update the users about the completion of the scan and only asks for the scan to start and protect your device.

Google Chrome is testing this feature to roll it out as a default to keep you updated with what is going on within your devices. It is important to note here that Google Chrome already offers an on-demand scan and also notifies the user if found any such type of adware and removes it by itself.

However, this option of detecting, notifying Google, scanning, and cleaning up the virus or malware is optional because of some security issues. You can enable it from Chrome Settings menu to avail it. Google will add this new feature in its already developed Cleanup tool.

It is also easy to enable this feature in Chrome Canary. You only have to open this Chrome flag chrome://flags/#chrome-cleanup-scan-completed-notification, enable it, restart your device, and you are ready to go. To start the scan, open the settings from the menu, click on advanced, reset, and clean your device. By enabling the option of notifying me about the completion, you will get notified by Google after completion.

Several programs run in the back on the devices. So to run the safety check, it can take time depending on the number of files it has to scan for the completion of the process and can also affect the functionality of your device. Therefore, Google is working on this advanced feature of notifying the users to evade such inconveniences.

Currently, during our test, we were unable to produce the new notification, as Chrome didn't find any harmful software in its test, which is probably because the feature is still in development phase or perhaps it is not designed to produce any notification on such situation.

Anyway, you can access it on demand from the settings of any of your devices. It can take time to complete the process and notifying you of the update, but it will end up being the most useful up-to-date feature of Google at times.

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