YouTube Introduces Creator Friendly New Updates

YouTube has been hard at work trying to make it so that it can ensure that all of its creators are able to maximize their potential in every single way possible, and a big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that there is some competition in the market now associated with content creators and this has made it so that YouTube is trying to introduce new features every so often all of which are meant to ensure that creators can earn the maximum amount of money and reach as many people as possible.

There are two main things that are being rolled out in this regard, i.e. according to Creator Insider. Firstly, all creators on the platform will now be able to access some pretty in depth analytics that will, among other things, tell them what times their main audience tends to be online. This can help them post videos at times that would ensure that people watch them and that they can make their view counts a great deal higher than what they might have ended up being otherwise all in all.

The second update has to do with video chapters. This will allow creators to break up their videos in segments that will be visible in the progress bar. There are some conditions, though. Creators that want to use video chapters will have to divide their video into at least three chapters, each of which will have to be at least 10 seconds long.

These are changes that creators will probably welcome quite a bit and a big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that they have been struggling to get quality updates from YouTube for quite some time now and this will most likely be perceived as a very welcome change of pace.

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