Snapchat Attempts to Aid Victims of Domestic Violence With In-App Support

While the lockdown is a great vacation for a lot of people out there, the fact of the matter is that there are a lot of people that are living in abusive environments who are not quite able to get the same kind of results out of the life that they are living.

Domestic violence is higher than ever before, and a big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that abusers are staying at home all day which would frustrate anyone except that abusers tend to take out their frustration violently on those that are around them and this is essentially what is leading to much higher rates of domestic violence all in all.

Most of the time if you would like to ensure that things go better for you, you would have to call a domestic violence hotline. However, due to the upswing in incidents, these hotlines are being overwhelmed with calls. Snapchat has decided to step in by providing resources that people can use within the app, resources that bear in mind the fact that domestic violence victims need to be discreet about what they are trying to do and want to make it so that their abusers don’t end up finding out about what is going on.

This is part of a wider initiative that Snapchat has been taking part in, one that they are referring to as the “Here For You” initiative. The resources to help domestic violence victims have been developed in association with the National Network to End Domestic Violence which lends it a fair amount of credibility. This is just one example of how tech companies are attempting to make it so that the lockdown can end up becoming easier for people to go through which is a very important part of helping people get to the other side in one piece.

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