LinkedIn tests new preview feature for an upcoming big update

Popular social media app LinkedIn is yet again experimenting with its interface by introducing new link formatting for presentation previews. This would mean that while you use the platform for presentations, the visuals might be different than usual. It can mean a better outlook for those regularly using the website and app, as the updated features will look much more sleek and vivid than before. It’s the same as the feature Facebook tried in 2017, however, due to unfavorable responses from the user's Facebook discontinued the new addition.

As spotted by Ryan Own GibsonOne and Matt Navarra, one of the changes to the LinkedIn interface will be the backdrop coloring of the header title pane, which will be changed to a more adaptive coloring as compared to the previous dominant color. It is also noted by SMT team that the social media app is testing another new feature, that of overlaid text from your existing link header on a preview image of the platform. The two new features mean a big update is due from the social media platform anytime. A lot of users were in favor of the remodeling of LinkedIn’s presentation previews due to the increased aesthetic value.

The good news is that the new additions will not hinder your activity or make the platform difficult or different to use than the existing mechanism. To many of us, it will have minimum implications. Some users claimed to have seen the new additions made early on their platform’s beta version, but the update had quickly disappeared. While it is still a speculation that the company is revamping its interface, because the information received only interprets small minor changes, but most of our sources claim it to be valid information.

Surprisingly, Facebook is testing out the same feature right now and is planning on introducing a more adaptive color background for its users’ profile. The two popular social media platforms are either in sync, or in a swift competition. The pandemic situation has made things favorable for the platforms, as most people are spending their time online, so it is the best time for social media platforms to make their platforms more appealing to their users.

Read next: LinkedIn Is Introducing Two New Features To Help Users Prepare For Virtual Job Interviews
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