Netflix, one of the largest video-streaming platforms these days for every age group to spend time, it is more like a hobby to people. Netflix consists of TV series and movies ranging from every genre and age group. However, to make it more reliable, it has roll down new features and tools so that parents can supervise and handle what content their kids can consume.
Now, if we look at new features, parents can easily have control what their kids are watching or what they do not want them to see. Such as parents can easily remove the entire series or movie, they do not want their kids to watch. For example, parents do not want their kids to watch a particular movie; they can add that movie in a filter of inappropriate for a child user. It will not appear on that profile.
I know it’s cool and appealing that Netflix account can be shared with four to five people at a time. Moreover, it’s quite easy to switch profiles, like in a matter of seconds; a person can access another person's profile. Moreover, it is seen that when people are sharing the same account, each other's content can easily be shown on another person's profile.
Another feature that Netflix has introduced is PIN-restrict profiles, where another person can’t access to other person's profile
Now getting back on the topic, that how is it beneficial for kids. Around 65% assumes that restricting child from watching inappropriate shows are beneficial for them. As getting exposed to things before time can be hazardous for one’s developing thoughts and personality.
The last feature that Netflix has added is that mature ratings depend upon the user. We all know that each country has different legal age ranging from 16 to 18+. So there are certain shows which aren’t appropriate. Hence ratings depend upon the user; hence it depends from which country account has been registered and then the legal age to watch shows will be as per that country’s law.
Moreover, one feature that Netflix is working over it is that each profile will have the pin. Such as taking a scenario if two children in the family have a vast age difference, one child is 15, and the other is of 5. We cannot expect them to have the same series of shows. It will be beneficial if a 15-year-old kid has its pin where the younger one cannot access it. Summing up, not only parents profile but siblings of different ages also need to have pinned.

Read next: YouTube Kids is the Most Used Streaming App, Even more than YouTube
Now, if we look at new features, parents can easily have control what their kids are watching or what they do not want them to see. Such as parents can easily remove the entire series or movie, they do not want their kids to watch. For example, parents do not want their kids to watch a particular movie; they can add that movie in a filter of inappropriate for a child user. It will not appear on that profile.
I know it’s cool and appealing that Netflix account can be shared with four to five people at a time. Moreover, it’s quite easy to switch profiles, like in a matter of seconds; a person can access another person's profile. Moreover, it is seen that when people are sharing the same account, each other's content can easily be shown on another person's profile.
Another feature that Netflix has introduced is PIN-restrict profiles, where another person can’t access to other person's profile
Now getting back on the topic, that how is it beneficial for kids. Around 65% assumes that restricting child from watching inappropriate shows are beneficial for them. As getting exposed to things before time can be hazardous for one’s developing thoughts and personality.
The last feature that Netflix has added is that mature ratings depend upon the user. We all know that each country has different legal age ranging from 16 to 18+. So there are certain shows which aren’t appropriate. Hence ratings depend upon the user; hence it depends from which country account has been registered and then the legal age to watch shows will be as per that country’s law.
Moreover, one feature that Netflix is working over it is that each profile will have the pin. Such as taking a scenario if two children in the family have a vast age difference, one child is 15, and the other is of 5. We cannot expect them to have the same series of shows. It will be beneficial if a 15-year-old kid has its pin where the younger one cannot access it. Summing up, not only parents profile but siblings of different ages also need to have pinned.

Read next: YouTube Kids is the Most Used Streaming App, Even more than YouTube