Apple Says Using Disinfectant Wipes on Phones is OK Amid Coronavirus Concerns

Coronavirus is probably the biggest news story of the year, and it turns out that it is having a pretty profound impact on the kind of activities people are able to take part in on a regular basis. The fact of the matter is that every major institution in the world is starting to talk about how coronavirus can be addressed, and one thing that a lot of people are worried about is their phones.

After all, phones tend to be a breeding ground for germs due to the reason that they are touched so often, are often wantonly placed on random surfaces and are thus quite risky for people that don’t want to spread the virus around. Apple has been notorious for telling people not to use any kind of disinfectant wipes on their phone as it could compromise the integrity of the device and potentially end up ruining it.

However, as a result of the fact that the coronavirus is spreading so rapidly, Apple has said that it is acceptable for users to use certain kinds of wipes on their phones. This will really reduce the bacteria that phones will be carrying and thus potentially stop the spreading of the disease in a really big way all in all.

The tech giant has advised people against using hand sanitizers or any other kind of liquid on their devices however as this might seep in through the cracks and cause a lot of damage. For a lot of people this might just be an acceptable compromise however given how dangerous the virus is and how many problems it is creating for people to have to end up dealing with as they go about their day to day lives hoping that they don’t get unlucky enough to catch it.

Read next: Apple permits to advertise via notifications, many other updates are here
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