Facebook Makes Changes to User Interface on iOS

The key to using Facebook is all about figuring out how the settings work and how the user interface is supposed to function at any given point in time. Most of the time when it comes to their user experience, Facebook tends to make changes quite regularly because of the fact that it is trying to optimize the interface and make it so that users would be able to utilize it in a manner that would be entirely intuitive, and they are trying to fix any issues that users might currently have.

The latest change that has come to the Facebook user interface at least as far as the iOS app version is concerned may be controversial however because of the fact that they have taken certain functions away in exchange for other functions that they deemed more appropriate in that particular context. The aspect of the interface that is now being changed is the settings tab. Previously you could use this tab to decide what you wanted in your menu bar as well as your notification dots but after this latest update this will no longer be the case.

Instead when you open up the settings tab you would see options for story settings, allowing you to customize this aspect of your Facebook experience until it is finally to your liking. Facebook is clearly trying to push the Stories format as much as possible, and this update seems to be in line with how the platform may be operating in this new year. Only time will tell whether or not this change will prove to be popular with the people that use the platform, but knowing the average Facebook user it’s safe to say that most of them are not going to like the change but will have to deal with it because they have no choice.

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