New Update to iOS 13 Coming This Week

Apple has been offering a lot of updates to users during the end of the year, and a lot of these updates have to do with trying to give you more control over the platform that you are currently using at this point in time. The major change that is going to come will be something that is going to make a lot of parents rejoice quite a bit. This is because of the fact that it will give them a bit more control over the kind of usage that their children end up getting from their phones.

Firstly, you will be able to limit what contacts your children would be able to access. This is going to be useful if you find that there are certain people that you do not want your children talking to. Having this level of control can really help you to protect your child from threats that neither you nor they would realize the significance of. Not only would you be able to control who your child can talk to on their phone but you would also be able to control when they are able to talk to specific people. So for example, if your child is talking to their friends all night and is not getting enough sleep for school, you can prevent this from happening.

There is a real problem associated with how kids tend to use their phones. This problem has a lot to do with them overusing their phones quite a bit, something that would obviously be quite concerning because it would indicate that they are getting addicted to their smartphones and might not be paying attention to other areas. This new update will help you control their usage a bit more and therefore prevent any serious problems from occurring at any given point in time.

Hat Tip: 9to5mac.

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