Another Blow on Facebook’s Fact-Checking Policies – A Man Running for Governor’s Seat so He can Post False Ads on Facebook

We are here again with some spicy news on Facebook’s ad policies!

Since a long time, Facebook has been facing severe criticism from social media and now from their employees as well to change Facebook’s policy on politician’s exemption from false-ads.

As Facebook was not taking any action against peoples’ will, a man has come up with an entirely new way of protest against Facebook.

Adriel Hampton, a political activist and treasurer of the political action committee “The Really Online Lefty League”, is running as a candidate for California’s 2022 gubernatorial election.

Hampton has objected Facebook’s policies do not check political ads from politicians that could increase the amount of misinformation on social media.

The new candidate Hampton has stated that he will use his position to post false ads against U.S., President Donald Trump, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg and many others. He further states that this rule to exempt politicians from fact-checking can affect the elections that will soon take place in U.S. Hampton explained that election requires marketing and there is no better way of marketing then social media marketing.

To prove his point, Hampton posted a false ad by their political action committee, which was instantly taken down by Facebook. On the other hand, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Democratic presidential candidate also posted a false claim stating Facebook and Zuckerberg endorsed the re-election of Trump. Facebook did not put down that ad showing that political groups are not exempt from fact-checking while politicians are.

In defense, Facebook has commented that their decision to not fact-check politician’s ads are to give them the voice they need to deliver their message. Facebook will have to make some amendments to calm down the crowd pointing their fingers at Mark Zuckerberg and his policies on advertisement.

Photo: Thibault Camus/AP

Read next: Facebook Denies Allegations of Running Political Ads for Money!
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