The top 7 technologies that are a ‘haven’ for cybercriminals

2019 is almost over and just like the previous year, the tech industry has seen its share of cybersecurity incidents. Hacks, security breaches, and data leaks have equally affected both – government organizations and private companies throughout the year leaving us wondering the protocol used by cybersecurity experts to safeguard vital processes. And of course, the innovative minds of the hackers who leave no stones unturned to find vulnerabilities in (almost) every new system that hits the market.

But did you know that there are certain technologies that are more vulnerable to hacks and in turn – are constantly exploited by the bad actors. In this guide, let’s take a look at the top seven emerging technologies that are potential threats to the cybersecurity system of today.

1. AI-generated ‘deepfake’ audio and video technology

As the name implies, the ‘deepfake’ technology allows users to manipulate video and audio to create a realistic feel. The technology, generated by AI has become quite popular in recent years and those who are familiar with the face-swapping filters available on Snapchat and Instagram have experienced a basic version of the technology firsthand.

However, with time, technology is becoming so advanced that it is becoming a challenge to distinguish the real thing from the ‘imitation’ – posing a threat to the tech industry. Hackers are aware of its sophistication and are using the technology in various situations to pose as others in order to retain information from the victims.

To minimize these incidences, companies are working on AI-powered software to detect deepfakes. However, they are still under-development and until then, the hackers are taking full use of the advanced technology.

2. Quantum computing

Google announced its ‘quantum supremacy’ recently when they managed to build a functioning quantum computer for the first time in computing industry.

Although, the application does not have any (yet) practical applications, the milestone did raise several concerns for the security experts. According to them, quantum computers can be a useful resource for the hackers that would enable them to break the encryption that is commonly used in blockchain or credit card transactions.

Of course, the quantum computers have not been used by the hackers as of now, but experts anticipate that the day is not far when the cybercriminals discover some vulnerability in the same to attack innocent users.

3. 5G networks

Another advancement of the tech industry that can be a vulnerability to the industry is the adoption of 5G networks. According to security watchdogs, the fast speed of 5G devices can make it more susceptible to DDoS attacks. This will also include additional traffic to the victim’s servers and may potentially shut them down.

4. The ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT)

As we are aware, the ‘internet of things’ allows the internet-connected devices and appliances to communicate with each other. The use of IoT is a mainstream practice across industries today, which makes it more vulnerable to attacks.

For example, hackers recently breached the network used by Verizon’s shipping vessels that allowed them to track the shipping address of the company’s most valuable cargo. Cybersecurity experts suspect that such types of high-profile attacks will become more widespread as the technology advances.

5. Artificial intelligence

As artificial intelligence improves, hackers also find innovative ways to get around the technology. AI-driven programs are a common target of hackers who are quick on their feet to find their weakest areas and use them for their own benefit.
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Experts from the cybersecurity industry also predict that with time, the attacks will become more powerful and thus – more harmful for the victims.

6. Supply-chain hacks

Another trend discovered by cyber experts is the use of supply-chain hacks. During this attack, the hackers break into the company’s software and gain access to its servers and contact list. According to cybersecurity firms, the trend is due to the increasing number of companies outsourcing their services to third parties, which gives hackers access to more targets.

7. Operational functions

With each passing day, more and more companies and government organizations are moving their operations towards the use of internet technology. However, this opens up more opportunities for hackers who are able to hack the entire network by detecting a single vulnerability in the system.

These were just some of the top emerging technologies that have the cybersecurity experts worried. Let us know your views on them in the comments!

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