Reddit Clamps Down on Harassment and Incel Subreddits

Reddit calls itself the front page of the internet, and in many ways the social media forum has definitely become a place where news spreads before it manages to reach any other platforms that are out there. However, Reddit has also developed a bit of a bad reputation and the reason for this is that there have been instances of certain users getting harassed on Reddit, as well as the fact that certain subreddits that are focused on aspects of “incel” subculture which is widely notorious for being toxic, misogynistic and otherwise dangerous in its inclinations.

In an attempt to crack down on harassment and abuse, Reddit has made a few changes to its policies as well as its terms of usage. Now, the definition of harassment and abuse has been broadened in order to make it easier to report users for engaging in threatening or violent behavior. The previous definition was quite specific which created loopholes that abusive and dangerous users often took advantage of, something that reflected quite badly on Reddit as a social network and harmed its brand as far as its public image was concerned.

The changes in its harassment policy are not the only things that Reddit has implemented in order to make the site a more wholesome place for all of its users. The subreddit r/Braincels, which has been connected to threats made surrounding the release of the new “Joker” movie starring Joaquin Phoenix, has now been banned. Several other subreddits has been banned as well, all of which were involved in the use of threatening language that posed real world security risks that Reddit could not afford to ignore given the spread of violence that is connected to the proliferation of these ideologies on the internet.

Photo: SOPA Images / Getty Images

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