Facebook’s Groups Tab Feed to Get Ads Soon

One of Facebook’s biggest priorities in recent times has involved the groups section. This is a tab that would give you a feed solely from the groups that you happen to be using at any given point in time. The reason for Facebook placing so much emphasis on groups is because of the fact that the social media platform is really going for a small and private community oriented approach. This approach involves a lot of different community based factors, and with Facebook focusing on connections so much and so often it seems likely that they are beefing up their groups tab for this very reason.

Now, because of the fact that Facebook has been focusing so much on its groups tab, it was inevitable that the social media platform would try to look for some way to monetize this feature, and based on recent tests that the platform has been conducted it seems like the time has come for it to incorporate ads into the mix.

The tests that we are talking about have involved placing ads strategically throughout your feed, something that is going to have a pretty serious impact on the kind of experience that you would have while you are scrolling through your feed in this particular area.

The ads are marked as sponsored posts which is definitely a good thing because any confusion in this regard could compromise on the rights of the consumers that Facebook would definitely want to try and protect, and what’s more is that the ad tests are being given to only very few selected companies.

While this is going to have quite an impact on your scrolling experience in the Groups tab, Facebook’s monetization of this platform is happening quite slowly so you don’t need to worry about any big changes happening just yet.

Hat Tip: Adweek.

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