Facebook has Added a New Filter to Help Group Admins in Singling Out People they have Previously Kicked Out!

While it can’t be denied that Facebook Groups make it easier to gather people of the same interests in one place, it has to be pointed out that troublemakers often find their way into a group as well. Troublemakers refuse to comply with the guidelines set by the Group Admin/Moderator and disrupt the peace.

In order to get the group rid of such people, Admins kick them out. If not blocked however, these people can still send a request to join the group again. For groups with several incoming requests, it’s likely that Admins might not pay attention to their requests and let them in.

However, it looks like Facebook has finally taken note of this issue and decided to do something about it. Social media consultant Matt Navarra recently posted a tweet where he highlighted a new filter that Facebook has added in the Member Requests settings. The filter in question is the “Previously Removed Members”.

Navarra also shared a screenshot to give us a better look at the possibly new filter. When viewing the group joining requests, Admins will be able to use the new filter to check if any of the requests have been sent by users who were previously removed from the group.

If you are an Admin of a group, you are encouraged to test the new filter. From the looks of it, it appears as quite a beneficial tool that will save Admins’ time and prevent them from unintentionally allowing an ex-member back into their group.

Facebook added a 'Previously removed members' filter for Group admins reviewing requests to join.  A handy way to spot trouble-making group members you kicked out but trying to sneak back into the group again.

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