YouTube Earned $138 Million from Users in Recent Quarter

In spite of the fact that Facebook has been trying as hard as possible to compete with YouTube through its various properties, YouTube has still managed to become the highest earning video hosting and streaming platform in terms of the amount of money that users are spending on it.

Even though Facebook has really been pushing Watch as well as Instagram TV and has tried to bring people to these centralized video streaming and hosting resources, YouTube has still managed to surpass them. This is particularly surprising when you look at the extremely positive numbers that Facebook has shown for Facebook Watch, as well as the enormous efforts that the social media platform is putting into getting content creators to move there instead of going to YouTube which is where content creators have traditionally gone for quite some time now.

About seventy percent of YouTube’s revenue came from users in the US, so it’s pretty clear what market the social media platform has to focus on in order to earn more money. Japan and the UK contributed seven and four percent respectively making them relatively important markets for YouTube to focus on as well.

Tencent’s Kwai is also high up on the list, showing that China might just become a media exporting powerhouse quite soon even though it is not growing quite as fast as YouTube is since Google’s video streaming and hosting platform has seen over a two hundred percent increase in its revenue over the past year alone.

Chart courtesy of: Sensortower.

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