Earlier day’s kids used to dream of becoming Astronauts or Scientists but now we're living with the generation of digital world. A world where every person is more engaged in the always-connected world as compared to a real one. Now if you ask kids what they want to become when they grow up? The majority will respond to become an influencer or a Vlogger. Now it is trending to become an influencer and earn fame but also along with that generate revenue. This means no boring lame fixed timing jobs and doing what you love.
So, to help the people decide whether to become an influencer or not we will be discussing the number of money brands spend on influencers.
As a newbie influencer, it is very difficult to connect with other business and to exactly ask the right amount of pay for the brand but how much an upcoming influencer pay rate should be? It was also difficult for Jehava Brown to set her to ask rates in beginning. She now has more than 70,000 followers on her Instagram page named ‘Onlygirl4boyz’.
It is very difficult to know the exact rates to ask brands but we are here to help you with that.
You need to stick to your goals and be consistent to reach the aims no matter how many failures you face.

Photo: Boston Globe via Getty Images
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So, to help the people decide whether to become an influencer or not we will be discussing the number of money brands spend on influencers.
Interview with Social media Influencer
Recently, the team of Business Insider was privileged to converse with a Social media influencer named Jehava Brown regarding the rates an influencer negotiates with brands like Disney and Walmart. According to the social media sensation Brown, she just gained her aim of earning a six-figure income completely from her brand named Onlygift4boyz. She writes blogs related to motherhood, food, travel and daily lifestyle. According to Brown, usually, if an influencer has 10,000 or followers they charge for their post rate at $100. As Brown is now a well-known influencer, she charges brands between $1500 to $2000 for each Instagram post and stories.As a newbie influencer, it is very difficult to connect with other business and to exactly ask the right amount of pay for the brand but how much an upcoming influencer pay rate should be? It was also difficult for Jehava Brown to set her to ask rates in beginning. She now has more than 70,000 followers on her Instagram page named ‘Onlygirl4boyz’.
It is very difficult to know the exact rates to ask brands but we are here to help you with that.
The basic charges per post
Usually, the social media influencer now charges between $1500 to $2000 but according to her, it was really difficult in the beginning. So if you are a newbie who is looking to know the basic rule of thumb. You should know that for every 10,000 followers an influencer should start at around $50 to $100 per post. Yes, we know it is less but something is better than nothing right? So start with a low wage but work your way to the top. The quality of your content, engagement rates, and agency fees can also affect your actual cost.You need to stick to your goals and be consistent to reach the aims no matter how many failures you face.
How to raise your rates
According to Brown, she started figuring out different factors that can help her increase post charges like being an Amazon Influencer or the number of sponsorship the influencer currently holds. Create your unique portfolio, know what makes your brand different from others and make it your best feature to present to brands and charge accordingly.Bottom Line
Jehava Brown is a house mom and an influencer that started from the bottom with $100 per posts and now earns more than $3000 per post. Consistency, passion, and devotion helped her to reach her goals of 6-figure pay with 70,000 followers on her Instagram account. You need to know the worth of your content and brand and then charge brands accordingly.
Photo: Boston Globe via Getty Images
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