Robots will continue to shape digital marketing

Over the years, technologies have influenced the digital marketing landscape. We are talking about groundbreaking high-tech such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and big data. Organizations which have implemented AI were able to reach an entirely new level of innovation and get in front of their target audiences.

Smart robots and technologies are well suited for online marketing. Everyone says so. They can figure out what people want, personalize offerings, streamline content production, collect massive amounts of data, and apply them to business decisions. That is incredible, to say the least. Are you curious to know how robots will change things in the near future? If yes, keep on reading.

Automation, AI, and robotics

Robots are designed to help us save time and money. As they are used to perform hard, redundant tasks, people can focus on more meaningful quests. The introduction of robotics and artificial intelligence to digital marketing can free individuals from the mundane, analytical tasks. What are they supposed to do instead? Concentrate their efforts on creative application and analysis.

At this very moment, humanoid robots are being tested and used to improve marketing outcomes. There is no denying the fact that some of the machines are a tad graceless and can be hard to get used to, yet it is important to keep in mind that things will only get better. Internet advertising is not controlled by robots and neither will it ever be. Machines are controlled by people and this is not going to change.

Computer scientists have managed to build intelligent machines which can act and respond in the same way a person would. As technology will continue to advance, so will the opportunities to use it to make better action plans and get relevant insight. Artificial intelligence used to be a marketing technology that only big corporations had access to. Nowadays, things are quite different. Everyone can use AI to generate useful insights and create prediction models based on customer behavior.

Robots and digital marketers get along quite well

If it were not for artificial intelligence and robots, Internet advertising would not have become so intricate and precision-driven. Tools and applications are not meant to replace human marketers. On the contrary, they are destined to serve humans, fulfilling the roles and responsibilities that digital marketers have no time for.

The great thing about robots is they are always there and never become ill. It is not therefore surprising that bots are very popular in warehouse settings. There, you are likely to see robotic systems that lend a helping hand. After the industrial robot arm picks an item, it scrolls through a set of images to know where to put the object.

Getting back on topic, the development of digital technologies has urged companies to get better at what they do and automate internal processes. This is not a bad thing. Let us understand the applications of robotics in online marketing, shall we?

Automated copywriting

Copywriting is just about everywhere, from brochures to websites and social media. Since the goal of any organization is to be present online, it is important to focus attention on writing good copy. Content increases brand awareness and convinces people to take action. That is why copywriting is so important. Did you know that some bots are capable of transforming sets of data into real stories? It is true.

AI copywriters can write persuasive, accurate descriptions that look as if they were produced by a person. What is more, they can generate personalized language and emotion for every customer. Copywriters can rest assured that their jobs are safe. Robots will make their lives in the modern world a lot easier. They will not write everything in the future.

Better customer care

Regular individuals no longer have to interact with screens. They have devices like Alexa and Google Home at their disposal. Robots help customers solve their problems and help businesses boost their sales numbers. Soon, people will conduct their affairs online and through machines. Automation is not at all bad news for the customer experience. It can achieve the most difficult thing - in other words, offer personal support.

When it comes down to better user experience, we must not forget about relevant content. AI-powered bots decide what content is suitable for customers of all kinds, making them believe that the brand was built especially for them. Personalization drives visits, giving websites staying power. The more people linger on a site, the more they are likely to become loyal customers.

Social media engagement

Social media plays an important part in any digital marketing strategy. To be more precise, a company can leverage social media to manage reputation, get ahead of the competition, and maintain relationships. Not many realize the fact that social media platforms are practically AI systems which are created to make users stay tuned by showing them what they want to see.

What does a social bot do? Well, the machine acts like an agent which communicates on social networking platforms, having great influence in conversations and impacting ideas and actions. Businesses who want to get the most out of the social media use bots to connect with people and simplify tasks. We are not talking about robots that create fake accounts or fake followers. We are talking about AI systems that communicate more or less autonomously. They are not evil.


The bottom line is that we do not have to fear the rise of machines in the digital marketing industry. Whether or not marketers decide to implement innovative technology is up to them. Not doing so would be a terrible mistake, as automation can help generate better leads and save a great deal of time.

Artificial intelligence will not stop growing or improving. It is recommended to take advantage of AI-powered bots. The development of artificial intelligence technologies represents a great achievement. While robots are far from being perfect, they are pretty good at what they do.

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