All The Important Stats That You Want To Know About The Most Connected Online Consumers

Today, the world has become more about digital connectivity, where 67% of total global population has a smartphone and 42% of them are on social media. A recent analysis shows that smartphone consumes over 210 minutes of a user every day. The most surprising of them all is the fact that there is still an ongoing expansion of the digital infrastructure.

The news regarding next generation mobile network - 5G has been making waves. Tech giants are battling out to make the perfect 5G supportive smartphone and Ericsson predicts that nearly 40% of population on Earth will have 5G by 2024.

In a recent survey by Deloitte, 32% of consumers in the UK would probably switch to a 5G network eventually. But with all these exciting stats, what is the world really doing online?

To clarify one of the most common and important questions that the world has regarding the online users, GlobalWebIndex has yet again organised a 61 tracked attitudinal statements to profile in which the online users have shed light on the concerned areas.

Who are always connected online?

Almost one quarter of the internet population is seen “always online”. However the figure becomes a bit disruptive when analyzing the stats categorically as 5% people among the age of 55-64s are online, whereas a high proportionate of 31% online users are present among those aged 16-34.

Constantly connected consumers are most likely married (47%), working full time (54%) and male (53%). However, when they took out data of an average internet user who are “highly online” then the results showed a whopping 80% presence.

Further breakdown of consumer behavior presented the stats that 8 in 10 are very career oriented, while 6 in 10 measure their success according to money. 35% of them are serious decision makers who travel abroad and domestically for business purposes. 32% go to medium or long-haul business trips and fifth part of the population went on such trips once in 6 months.

What do they really do online?

The highly connected internet users on average spends about 8h 33m online each day across their mobiles, PCs, laptops and tablet devices. This is just 1h 43m more than an average internet user. However, both of them are obsessed with social media and possess a fear of missing out on latest news, current events and entertaining content.

Among the youngest population -16-24s – YouTube has been the primary choice which is used once in a day (59%), while Instagram and Facebook rank second (50%)

This is the exact audience that marketers tend to engage with video content on social media.

What do "Digital Citizens" really do online?

Are they connected to offline media too?

Constantly connected users have their eyes and attention everywhere. They are multi-connected users, who spend around 14h 17m across all formats of digital and traditional media.

It may come off as another surprise in the statistics but 15% of the constantly connected online users still prefer to watch TV for 2h 11m in a day, despite the fact that they have so many options available for entertainment in the digital world.

And that’s not all, 44% of the TV watching population also spend around 30 minutes on games consoles each day as well. 16% have access to web in their consoles, and only 7% preferred watching Netflix on it last month. Time spent on traditional media While there is always a second screen present, this illustrates the fact that the formats which internet is providing have no effect on the choices of people as they still prefer a mixture of digital and traditional entertainment according to their choice.

How is it effecting their mental well-being?

7 out of 10 people can’t spend even minutes without their smartphones, even despite being well aware of its side effects on the overall health. However, the good sign is that majority of the constantly connected online users are striving to adopt a healthy lifestyle along with smartphones. Screen time tracking by age Almost 31% of the online users told that they have now started to track their screen time or set time limits for certain apps on their mobiles so far. The credit for this definitely goes to digital well-being on Android and iOS screen time.

What type of advertising do they like the most?

As we have previously stated that people choose to stay online on multiple platforms, a lot of the brands then get discovered via TV ads (38%) than social media ads (35%). In fact social media now stands as a third channel right after the popular search engines. The situation completely turns the opposite in second-screening behavior as we see a whopping 74% usage of social media while one is also simultaneously watching the TV. This together indicates that consumers today are exposed to all kinds of advertisements and if brands want to make the right impression, then their best bet can be a good online presence. By that we also mean that with so many options to choose from, majority of them look out for an opinion before buying something and that is one of the obvious reason why influencer marketing has been a robust hit for companies. In the end the philosophy for good sales is simple; try to capture the visual conscious mindset of highly connected users and make sure that you win from there.

Read next: Entertainment Content on Social Media — Every Generation Has Their Own Preferences [Study]

H/T: Globalwebindex.
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