Globally internet users have only increased with time, according to recent stats 57% percent of the citizens globally use the internet now. This has shifted the trends of consuming entertainment and also charged the perspective of the relationship of the brands with their consumers. Formally, mass media sources like radio, TV and print media were considered the only source of communication, however, now things have seen a 360-degree shift. People are now using social media platform not only for communication purpose but also for entertainment, information, education, marketing but also to run their business. Formally people were using PC but these desktop computers are now considered outdated, laptops have made it quite convenient for everyone to work without sticking to just one place. However, new stats show that mobile is taking over everything because of its small size and portability.
A report was conducted to support this claim, and this report revealed and predicted a lot of information that indicates that the mobile industry might take over every other industry. Zenith Media’s study shows that adults in the future will spend more time on mobile than on TV. Although, this doesn’t mean that TV is no longer the dominant medium of mass communication because it still stands first with an average viewership of 167 minutes that is more than mobile of just 130 minutes. However, other mediums have experienced serious decrease is users, with the desktop computer that on average consumes 40 minutes on average, and magazines with just 4 while newspaper with 11 minutes.

Read next: Entertainment Content on Social Media - Every Generation Has Their Own Preferences [Study]
A report was conducted to support this claim, and this report revealed and predicted a lot of information that indicates that the mobile industry might take over every other industry. Zenith Media’s study shows that adults in the future will spend more time on mobile than on TV. Although, this doesn’t mean that TV is no longer the dominant medium of mass communication because it still stands first with an average viewership of 167 minutes that is more than mobile of just 130 minutes. However, other mediums have experienced serious decrease is users, with the desktop computer that on average consumes 40 minutes on average, and magazines with just 4 while newspaper with 11 minutes.
"People around the world will spend an average of 800 hours using the mobile internet this year – that’s equivalent to 33 days without sleep or pause, according to Zenith’s Media Consumption Forecasts, published today. By 2021 the total will rise to 930 hours, or 39 full days."The report also explains that on average the time spent on mobile has increased by 3.7 percent this year. According to these stats, mobile is now consuming around 3 hours and 43 minutes of the average users whereas, TV still remains dominant and consumes around 3 hours and 35 minutes of the user every day. Since users are shifting to the mobile, the advertisers are now taking mobile video ads more seriously now. They are spending more money on mobile video ads and as a result, in the US the mobile advertisement has increased to 40 percent that makes around 69.9 billion dollars. Search and browsing companies like Google are now setting algorithm that will now prefer mobile versions of the websites as compared to their desktop counter partners. This will make research better, quicker and convenient for everyone.

Read next: Entertainment Content on Social Media - Every Generation Has Their Own Preferences [Study]