Twitter redesigns its desktop again with a new navigation

It was back in January when Twitter announced about a new desktop design to its users. But no one was expecting some huge reveal. Later on, it is confirmed that Twitter is still testing the new desktop interface.

All social media apps try to change their interfaces to make it an easier experience for their users. They receive feedback from their users and on that base, they upgrade and redesign interfaces to ease customers and to make their experience worthwhile.

The redesigned Twitter interface

In the latest version of Twitter, the desktop appears to have three columns. The trends shifted to the right column, the menu and the navigation items including your profile link were at the top in previous versions are now moved to the left side of the interface. The timeline still remains in the front and center of the interface.

Twitter introduces another desktop redesign with trends on the right, menu on the left
Twitter's new web design

Before this new updated version, back in January, another update was released where the layout was divided among two columns but because it was a limited update so not everyone saw it.

Detailed analysis of the updated version

The trending items moved to the right side from their old place in the left column.

The home, Explore, Notifications, Bookmarks, Lists, Profile, and Messages are in a column with the option “More” expanding another set of options for you.

Old Twitter PC Design
Twitter's old desktop interface

Besides all that, you also get direct links to promote and Advertise, Twitter’s Media studio, Settings, and privacy, also have the option to switch to “legacy Twitter” and Dark mode as well.

Although the new design is not much liked by the users with time it will change.

Twitter’s goal behind these updates

The main reason Twitter updates its app over and over is to ease the users. Its sole purpose is to make this platform simple to use for people of all age groups. Also, with the new updates, they also try to overcome the issues faced in the previous versions. Twitter always tries to make the social app more user-friendly than others. Whether it is to make it easy to follow conversations or to make it easy on the eye (dark mode) Twitter always tries to make the lives of its users as easy as possible. The reason behind these updates is not just to have a newly updated platform for users but also to attract new users to make it grow more.

Read next: Twitter’s List feature finally gets the attention it deserves
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