Facebook removes nearly 5 billion fake accounts in the past 12 months from its social network

Facebook recently published its latest ‘enforcement report’ that gives insights on how many counterfeit posts and accounts the company encountered between October 2018 and March 2019.

According to the report, the social media giant removed more than 3.3 billion fake accounts (in just past 6 months) – that is their all-time highest. Another record high was the removal of seven million posts that included ‘hate speech.’

Additionally, Facebook also reported the number of deleted posts that were appealed along with the number of posts that were reverted online after review.

Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg also claimed that the company is taking sizeable measures to combat illicit content from its platform.

Facebook explained that the increasing number of ‘fake accounts’ were created through automated methods. However, the company claims that it manage to identify and delete a large portion of them before they had the chance to go live.

The company also reported that many posts were removed for selling regulated goods such as drugs and guns. In fact, during the six-month report period, the company removed more than one million posts of that nature.

How Facebook Is Doing At Enforcing Its Community Standards - infographic

The Facebook report also shows how often internet users saw posts that included child sex abuse, violence, and terrorism.

According to data, Facebook took action on 21 million posts that were related to child nudity and sexual exploitation.

"We estimated for every 10,000 times people viewed content on Facebook, 25 views contained content that violated our violence and graphic content policy.", explained Guy Rosen, Facebook's VP Integrity in a blog post.

Overall, Facebook found around 5% of monthly active users are accessing the app through fake accounts.

For the first time, Facebook decided to reveal the appeals made for deleted posts. The report took into account appeals made between January and March 2019 and revealed that more than one million appeals were made for deleted posts for ‘hate speech.’

Facebook Community Standards Enforcement Report - chart

After the appeal, around 150,000 posts were restored after confirmed not to contain ‘hate speech’ content.

Facebook said that the appealing feature was introduced to give users more control over their posts and enhance responsibility and accountability.

Read next: Facebook’s AI chief claims that solely artificial intelligence cannot be relied to remove terrorism video content
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