Facebook Reaches Out To Group Admins For Detailed Brief On The Breach Of Community Standards

A few days ago, we read that Facebook’s new engagement strategy will revolve more around groups. The social media giant is actually looking forward to reconnect its lost user base with the help of all the interesting groups and it seems like they are indeed making some serious attempts for it.

Mark and his team has officially sent a message to all the Group Admins which gives a clear cut guidelines on any such content that violates the community standard. With the new policy in place, any group post that stands objectionable or provokes criminal behavior will simply get removed from the platform without any warning.

A glimpse of this notification by Facebook was first revealed by Matt Navara, a social media industry commentator. It further stated that in some cases, only group admins would be allowed to see the removed content for 7 days. This might piss off a lot users since this indirectly takes away the freedom of speech from them but looking at the previous incidents, one would realize that it's a step in the right direction for the betterment of various communities on Facebook.

As we know that Facebook has lately become a hub for political commentary along with the ever increasing features to share personal updates, this tactic will bring in extra safety to make sure that the people continue to use Facebook for a more positive and exciting experience.

Facebook notifies about changes to what Group admins can see in relation to posts removed due to them breaching its community standards...

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