Top Facebook Pages Increased The Number Of Content Shared During Second Quarter Of The Year

BuzzSumo and Buffer joined hands to investigate the activity of the top pages on Facebook and the response that they receive, and their findings are quite peculiar. After analyzing over 43 million posts from more than 20,000 Facebook pages, they found out that the amount of content posted by these pages increased in the 2nd quarter of this year than the first as well as all of last year.

These posts were in a total of 8.1 million, 24% more than the first quarter. They found out that all those 20,000 pages are posting about 20,000 fresh pieces of content each day. This makes a total of 90,032 for the second quarter as compared to the 72,000 of the first. They average about 135 posts in a month.

Volume of Facebook posts - chart

This is all well and good, but why such a huge rise in the number of content being posted when the organic has decreased much more than the previous years’ this time? The CEO of social advertising platform Unified, Jason Beckerman is of the opinion that Facebook is “really a pay-to-play ecosystem now,” adding, “The days of seeing significant engagement from organic are pretty much over.”

Also Read: A Small Business Guide to Facebook Insights.
Senior vice president of Performance Media at Ansira, David Pierpont says that the pages that appeared in this research are mostly well-known figures, celebrities of sports and entertainment industry and it will unfair to compare to them just like that. He further clarified “For your average brand (or small business), you’re really dependent on the page ad units driving business results.”

This is indeed true as the top 10 most popular pages on Facebook are those of celebrities like Vin Disel, Eminem, and Christiano Ronaldo according to Socialbakers.

This is also of concern that the user-engagement (in terms of likes, shares and comments) is down in general, by the report of BuzzSumo and Buffer, over 50% in the previous 18 months.

Still images took over the videos when it came to engagement that went from 9,370 to 3,454. For videos, it went from 5,864 to 2,867.

This is one interesting discovery though. We see the emphasis increasing on building the site more friendly for videos but there are some habits rooted deep within people when it comes to social media and that include, as Pierpont calls it “the scroll, stop, continue-to-scroll behavior.”

Also Read: 6 Steps To Get Customers With Facebook Ads
The report also uncovered the fact that the pages that post once a day have more engagement per post but less number of engagements when it comes to the overall engagements. In contrast, the pages with multiple posts get more.

The pages that had the biggest fall in engagements were artists with 70.6%, movies (68.8% down), news (64%) and retail brands (49%).

Buffer suggested that pages can improve their engagements by making their audience the focus of their content strategy, rather than the motto of their page to a certain degree.
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