5 Leadership Traits That Improve Quality In The Workplace

Leaders do not have the easiest job, not by any margin really. But no matter how challenging it is to be the one to lead your company into success, it helps to have the right sort of traits that naturally veer towards quality and improvement.

We all know by now that management is rooted in people – with quality management, this is certainly true. It is the people who implement strategies, and the people who help meet goals. Those people however need someone who is able to lead the way, showing by example and working with teams to make a notable difference.

What Characteristics Does a Quality Driven Leader Possess?

Some may call them perfectionists. Others may be wowed by the ability to keep people happy, clients happy and targets kept to – all without fuss or meltdown. For a leader who is passionate about quality though, this is just a normal day.
Management in any form relies on a series of skills that are needed to achieve results. Thinking skills, technical skills, people skills, reporting skills and operational skills all work together – even though many of these skills are developed rather than instilled at birth, any leader can hone their skills so that they become traits rather than conscious effort.
For those wanting to harness their leadership quality skills, here is what each one entails:

Technical Skills – These skills relate to problem solving, logic, technical understanding in general, as well as a deep understanding of your products, customers, services and mechanics. For instance, it’s not much use knowing nothing about cars if you are heading up a quality system for your auto sales division.

Reporting Skills – These skills involve information, analysis, tracking, measurement, prediction of trends and everything else that relates to reporting. With this skill set, leaders are able to view each stage of campaigns to determine results, with decisions based on fact rather than guesses or subjectivity.

People Skills – These skills involve people of course. A true leader does not dictate or alienate – instead, they are able to connect to the people they work with, to understand, listen, motivate and coach. Empathy is also essential, as is influence, communication and even non-verbal communication.

Operational Skills – These skills are to do with work processes, and how they affect various tasks and steps. Planning skills, strategizing, process understanding and everything else relating to implementation from start to finish are all vital in this skills set.

Thinking Skills – These skills are not just the ability to know stuff. It’s also about being able to think under pressure, think creativity, think in new areas, and also think on a bigger scale as well as a small scale so that each part of the strategy can be defined. Then, it also involves the ability to visualise, find new opportunities and of course, set and maintain goals.

Naturally, these skills are not just limited to leaders who are in quality management roles. And there are many other areas that also need to be considered within the quality realm too. But for potential leaders who have the ability to make these skills a part of their personality, there is no doubt that it can only be good in terms of improvement across the board.

Author's Bio:

Christopher Stainow is Chief Executive of Lennox Hill; creators of isoTracker QMS and specializes in quality assurance solutions and document management.


  1. It is amazing to me that a phrase can mean two totally different things. Take Quality Management. To you it means managers who of a particular quality. To ISO 9000 businesses, quality management refers to those watching over the quality of the product. Cool, huh?

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