Harvard Accused Of Dismissing Top Misinformation Expert After Receiving Pressure From Meta

A top misinformation expert is shedding light on how she was recently dismissed from Harvard University due to pressure from tech giant Meta.

For those who might not be aware, the leading education institution is famous for receiving funds from Zuckerberg and therefore the thought of anyone criticizing the company when it was due to receive $500 million from Meta’s charity fund meant big things.

The expert who goes by the name Joan Donovan explained how life came to a standstill in terms of the working conditions that were pushed in her direction. Not only was the funding eliminated but she was barred from hiring assistants and slowly but surely, she was seen as the leading target of a top-of-the-line smear campaign that was instigated by employees from Harvard University.

Meanwhile, she’s not backing down as she feels she did nothing wrong and that’s why has filed a case with the country’s education department as well as the AG of Massachusettes, claiming her freedom of speech rights were denied.

The sudden controversial claims arose as a part of the publication of Facebook papers that was a huge leak featuring 22k pages arising from the internal data of the social media giant that arose from whistleblower Frances Haugen who was an employee at the firm.

Donovan says it was a huge matter linked to public interest and for that reason, she found it right to have it published across Harvard’s website so anyone could gain access to it as needed.

Therefore, she says that from that day onwards, she started to get treated in a very different manner by her own employers at the university where she lost her job.

Then another meeting arose in the year 2021 where the dean’s council called her out and advised the school where she was working that Facebook shouldn’t be deemed as an arbiter of truth. She was questioned about her approach in regards to taking an interest in misinformation and why Facebook was selected as her main source.

That’s when Donovan mentioned how the CEO also likes to use the word arbiter of truth. But soon after that, Harvard was very specific in terms of how Donovan’s dismissal had nothing to do with Meta.

The reason it provided regarding the controversial matter was more linked to it being a part of the terms outlined in the university policy. It further delineated how she wasn’t dismissed but was actually given the chance to take on the role of a lecturer who worked part-time.

Donovan was said to not have the right guidance in place in terms of finding a good and reliable faculty sponsor to look over her work. But in such a short period, she’s managed to create a huge name for herself and even ended up testifying in front of Congress too, adding how misinformation continued to spread at an alarming pace and she assisted other big tech giants in curbing the issue.

Zuckerberg and his better half Priscilla are both graduates of the prestigious Harvard University. They’ve donated close to hundreds of millions in the name of the institution’s Kempner College for studying AI.

But the fact that $500 million was stringently linked to financial influence as the real reason behind her firing does seem to be a massive claim that’s not going unnoticed. After all, the amount is huge.

Read next: More Trouble For Meta As Company Sued $600 Million For Repeated Anti-Competitive Behavior In The EU
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